Committing suicide is not recommended in Garuda Purana.
Suicide leads to a lower birth and a person has to suffer from ghosthood after death. No sraddha or water oblations are made to a person that has committed suicide.
Garuda Purana (pg 5) II.22.8-13 (Chapters 21-36 are in this PDF)
The lord said :
3. It is the men of sinful actions actuated by their previous misdeeds who become ghosts after death. Please listen to me, I shall tell you
in detail.
Those who meet with foul death such as committing suicide by hanging
from a tree, by poison or weapon...[there is more of the same]...
become ghosts and roam over the earth."
Garuda Purana (pg 2) II.21.17-18
17-18. In every birth he takes he will become extremely indigent,
sick, devoid of progeny and cattle and he may not get proper
livelihood either. The ghosts perpetrate all these things. Then they
go back to Yama’s abode. From that place, when their evil actions
wear off and the appointed time arrives, they get release.
Garuda Purana (pg 7) II.40.4-12 (Chapters 37-49 are in this PDF)
4--12. There are people who are dead by fasts, killed by fanged
animals, dead by strangulation, who are slayer: of preceptors killed
by wolves, who die of arson or imprecations of brahmins, who die of
cholera, who commit suicide, who fall from a peak and die, who
hang themselves to death, who are drowned in tank, river or
oeean,—listen to their plight. These go to hell.
[...] who are likely fall into hell by committing sin. or escaping it
become ghosts—for such persons there is no rite of cremation, no
water-libation, no rite of obsequy and no observance of impurity. For
these people, O Garuda, the rite of Narayana bali should be
As of suffering, even heaven and hell provide no comfort and a person is bound in the cycle of life. If his merits are exhausted he's sent to Bhuloka again to regain them and the cycle resumes.
To kill yourself to escape suffering doesn't work because not only in this world but also the next the soul does not get peace.
Garuda Purana (pg 53) II.32.72-81
Sometimes he goes to heaven, sometimes to hell. In heaven or hell he reaps the fruits of his activities.
Sometimes, when he has exhausted the merit of his actions he descends to the earth by the residue of his merits. Heaven or hell is
not a permanent abode, this you should know, O best of birds.
People going to hell suffer from extreme tortures which they
derive from their hellish activities. Their tortures increase when
they see their companions enjoying in heaven.
76.Looking at the tortures suffered by the people in hell, the residents of heaven feel that after the expiry of their merit the same
fate awaits them in hell. Thus all the while they remain
discomfortable in heaven.
A Jiva in the embryo is put to great suffering. He suffers in childhood and old age as well.
In youth he suffers from the evil effects of vicious desires, jealousy, rage. He is afflicted by had dreams. Old age ends in death which is extremely painful.
Being dragged by the emissaries of Yama he is thrust into hell. From hell he descends to the earth to suffer again the utmost pangs of
birth and death.
80. Thus, on the wheel of this universe, people are made to rotate
like the potter’s wheel and are tortured incessantly, tangled by the
noose of their actions.
81. O bird, there is no pleasure whatsoever in this world abounding in a multitude of sorrows. O son of Vinata, people should endeavour for
What then is the point of trying to escape suffering by suicide? When suicide will just lead to a worse stage than the one you already have?
A soul rarely gets a human body, hence if you terminate your life by suicide you have committed a sin and that is why we get various punishments. The human birth is to gain knowledge and achieve moksa. Vishnu tells Garuda one should not waste it. Only in a human body can one realize Parabrahma.
Garuda Purana (pg 35) II.49.12-21
Passing through four types of bodies in order of their karman and leaving one body after the other a thousand times, taking birth in
human form and acquiring knowledge due to good acts one obtains
In the eightyfour lacs of bodies of creatures one does not acquire true knowledge anywhere unless one is born as man.
Here, after thousands of crores of births a creature obtains human form only sometime due to the aggregate of virtue.
Having obtained a rare human form he should endeavour for moksa. If he does not endeavour for it, there can be no greater sinner in the
17.Without human body it is not possible to obtain the supreme goal. One should be, therefore, very cautious to guard wealth in the
form of his body and perform good actions.
One should always protect self which is the receptacle of virtue. One should always try to look after the body at any cost.
If alive, he may reap the result of his good actions. He may get a village, a field, a house or a wealth. But he may not get human
body again.
A wise man finds out means to preserve his body. Even a leper does not wish to discard it.
Body is useful for Dharma, Dharma in knowledge, knowledge for meditation and meditation for immediate release.
rather than rebirth. Right?