Mainda and Dvivida are the valiant lieutenants in the army of Vānara. They are the sons of Ashwini Kumaras. Hanuman describes the plight of Lanka to his fellow vānaras and praises every Vānara including Angada, Jambavan, Neela etc., When it comes to Mainda and divida, Hanuman praises them as follows.
अश्विपुत्रौ महाभागावेतौ प्लवगसत्तमौ |
एतयोः प्रतियोद्धारम् न पश्यामि रणाजिरे || ५-५९-१७
aśviputrau mahābhāgāvetau plavagasattamau |
etayoḥ pratiyoddhāram na paśyāmi raṇājire || 5-59-17aśviputrau mahābhāgāvetau plavagasattamau |
etayoḥ pratiyoddhāram na paśyāmi raṇājire || 5-59-17
"These two illustrious sons of Ashvini Kumaras, Mainda and Dvivida are the foremost among the monkeys. In the battle-field, I do not find anyone who can fight against these two monkeys."
पितामहवरोत्सेकात्परमम् दर्पमास्थितौ |
अमृतप्राशनावेतौ सर्ववानरसत्तमौ || ५-५९-१८
pitāmahavarotsekātparamam darpamāsthitau |
amṛtaprāśanāvetau sarvavānarasattamau || 5-59-18
Proud of having received boons from Brahma the creator and their grandfather and abiding in a supreme haughtiness, these two foremost among all the monkeys live on Amrita the nectar.
In yuddhakanda too, they were said as drinking amrita.
यौ तौ पश्यसि तिष्ठन्तौ कुमारौ देव रूपिणौ |
मैन्दः च द्विविदः च उभौ ताभ्याम् न अस्ति समो युधि || 6-28-6
ब्रह्मणा समनुज्ञाताव् अमृत प्राशिनाव् उभौ |
आशंसेते युधा लंकाम् एतौ मर्दितुम् ओजसा || 6-28-7
The two who stand there, who have the same resemblance and have the appearance of celestials, are Mainda and Dvivida. None can equal them in combat. These two, who ate ambrosion on due authorization by Brahma, are hopefully of destroying Lanka by their power.
- What boons did Mainda and Dvivida receive from Brahma?
- When did Mainda and Dvivida drink nectar?
- How was Dvivida got killed by Balarāma despite of drinking nectar?