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As per my understanding BhagvanI am talking about monotheism and polytheism. When we refer to bagavat Gita we can see that bagvan gives the answer to all doubts of humans through his birththis, he is the creator, preserver and lifedestroyer.Then why are there other Gods and beliefs?

As per my understanding Bhagvan gives the answer to all doubts of humans through his birth and life.Then why are there other Gods and beliefs?

I am talking about monotheism and polytheism. When we refer to bagavat Gita we can see that bagvan gives answer to this, he is the creator, preserver and destroyer.

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According to "BhagavadGeeta" BhagvanBhagvad Gita, Lord Krishna is the ultimate God. So why are there other beliefs in Hinduism?

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As per my understanding Bhagvan gives the answer to all doubts of humans through theirhis birth and life.Then why are there other Gods and beliefs?

As per my understanding Bhagvan gives the answer to all doubts of humans through their birth and life.Then why are there other Gods and beliefs?

As per my understanding Bhagvan gives the answer to all doubts of humans through his birth and life.Then why are there other Gods and beliefs?

grammatical mistakes correct. Short cut typing should be avoided
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