As far as Mantra japa is concerned, I think everybody knows that the first step towards Mantra Siddhi (mastery over the mantra) is Guru DikshaDikshA (taking the mantra from one's Guru) and then we have to do PuraschAranaPurasacharana.
However, for NAma japa, i.e when one is simply reciting some names of Gods (like Shiva, DurgA or any other), does one still require an initiation?
One famous instance, from our scriptures, of how NAma japa has entirely transformed a person is the case of Rishi VAlmīki, who wrote the epic of RAmAyaṇa.
In his case, however, he was initiated (afaik) into the NāmaNAma japa by Devarshi NArada.
So, does that mean even for NAma japa initiation is required?
NOTE- I want answers that are based on scriptures.