Scriptures suggest that, a person himself gets reborn as his own children, whether boy or girl.
Bhishma said, 'The son is even as one's own self, and the daughter is like unto the son. How, therefore, can another take the wealth when one lives in one's own self in the form of one's daughter? [source]Section 45 Anushasana Parva
Having children is essential to pay the debt to ancestors (Pitru runa):
Is it not obligatory for a householder to try begetting children?
Usually female child would marry to another family lineage, while male child would continue the same family lienagelineage.
Question: What is the terminology behind, when a Pitru is reborn as a girl or boy child?
e.g. Does it mean that, being a girl they want to change the family values and being a boy they want to retain the family value system?
By this question, I want to understand:
- What could be the reasons for many families insisting for a boy child
- Why in some families, only girl children are born majorly