- He became surprised on seeing this entire set of the three worlds, including Devas, Asuras and human beings in the abdomen of that god ( Brahma ) .
He became surprised on seeing this entire set of the three worlds, including Devas, Asuras and human beings in the abdomen of that god ( Brahma ) .
Thereafter Vishnu, the deity with the Lord of serpents, Sesha as his abode, came out of his mouth and spoke to Pitamaha (god Brahma, the grand-sire of the world).
O excellent Purusha, in this manner you too enter my eternal abdomen and see all these wonderful worlds.
- Thereafter Vishnu, the deity with the Lord of serpents, Sesha as his abode, came out of his mouth and spoke to Pitamaha (god Brahma, the grand-sire of the world).
- O excellent Purusha, in this manner you too enter my eternal abdomen and see all these wonderful worlds.
[Lord Vishnu to Brahma:]
- It was only for fun. It was not with a desire to harass you. Who would wish to trouble the grandfather, the Lord of Devas?
It was only for fun. It was not with a desire to harass you. Who would wish to trouble the grandfather, the Lord of Devas?
O Brahma, you are not harassed. In every respect you are worthy of being honoured. O auspicious one, please forgive me the offence committed against you (i.e. if I have offended you). [v.l. whatever has been done by me to you is int he interest of your progeny.]
O Brahma, for this very same reason be a son unto me. O deity in the form of the universe, be famous by the name Padmayoni (having lotus as the source of origin) for the sake of my love.
Then that Lord [Brahma] conferred the boon to the crowned one (i.e. Vishnu).
- O Brahma, you are not harassed. In every respect you are worthy of being honoured. O auspicious one, please forgive me the offence committed against you (i.e. if I have offended you). [v.l. whatever has been done by me to you is int he interest of your progeny.]
- O Brahma, for this very same reason be a son unto me. O deity in the form of the universe, be famous by the name Padmayoni (having lotus as the source of origin) for the sake of my love.
- Then that Lord [Brahma] conferred the boon to the crowned one (i.e. Vishnu).