Bard translates this as:translated from
Salutations to ShivaI meditate on that great light called Shaiva, who is the ocean of compassionWhich has no beginning nor end, whoWhich is the giverreal meaning of auspiciousnessphilosophy, whoWhich is the removeronly one form of all obstaclesholy knowledge, whoWhich is thureeya, the embodiment of knowledgeblissful fourth state, whoWhich is the source of all creationunknown which was, Searched by Lord Brahma and whoVishnu, And which is the destroyerform of all evilultimate truth.
Salutations to Vishnu, who is the supreme beingI salute that God with five faces, who isWho sits on the creator, preserver, and destroyerthrone of the universeAdhishakthi, who is the embodiment of knowledge and powerUsing his own strength, who is the source of all happinessWho wears mind stealing ornaments, and who is the refugeMade of jewels all beings.
O Shivaover his body, you are the one whoWho wears mated locks, snake, Moon and the crescent moonriver Ganga on yourhis head, the one whoWho has a third eye, the one who dances the tandavamoon and sun as his eyes, the one whoWho is the lord of the ganaseternal god, and the oneAnd who is the destroyer of evilhas always with him Shakthi as consort.
O Vishnu, you are the one who sleeps on the serpent Ananta, the one who holds the conch, the discus, and the mace, the one who is the protector of the world,Salutations and the onesalutations to Vishnu who is the embodimentlord of loveuniverse Salutations and compassion.
I praysalutations to you, Shivahim who carries a mace and Vishnua wheel, to protect my motherSalutations and salutations to grant her moksha. May shehim who destroys sorrows of his devotees, And Oh Lord of everything, be free frompleased to pardon all suffering and may she attain eternal happinessmy lapses.
I bow down to you, Shivasalute the God with lotus flower on his belly Who has a smile in the face and Vishnuthe shine of moon in nails, Who holds pretty Chakra in the two supreme beings. May your blessings be upon me alwayshand and Who is being saluted by devas and who sleeps on a serpent, And again and again affirm that there is no God except Hari.