In KulArnava Tantram's 13th chapter, Lord Shiva discusses about Guru and its signs in great details. In that context he says the following verse:
Shaive Gurutrayam Proktam Vaishnave Gurupanchakam |
VedashAshtreshu Sataso Gururekah KulAgame ||...........
According to Shaiva Tradition, Gurus are three, according to Vaishnava, Gurus are five, according to Vaidika Tradition Gurus are numerous but according to Kula Agama Guru is only one.
Now, its obvious to me that here Lord Shiva is not talking about the number of Gurus that a Shaiva can have. Because in the same chapter itself, he mentions that one can have many Gurus as long as one does not get a good one.
So, is he talking about three types of Shaiva Gurus that the Shaiva scriptures prescribe for the disciples at different stages of sadhana? If yes which are those three Gurus?