In the Uttara Gita Chapter 1, Sloka 35 describes the Atma as
ऊर्ध्वशून्यमधःशून्यं मध्यशून्यं यदात्मकम् । सर्वशून्यं स आत्मेति समाधिस्थस्य लक्षणम् ॥
When (one perceives) the Atma is perceived as Nothing Upwards, Nothing down, Nothing in between and nothing everywhere, he is established in Samadhi with the Atma.
Now, the Uttara Gita sloka 37 (and 38) describes the Atma as
ऊर्ध्वपूर्णमधःपूर्णं मध्यपूर्णं यदात्मकम् ॥ सर्वपूर्णं स आत्मेति समाधिस्थस्य लक्षणम् ।
When (one perceives) the Atma is perceived as complete (full) Upwards, complete (full) down, complete (full) in between and complete (full), everywhere, he is established in Samadhi with the Atma.
Do these slokas (in the context established in the text) contradict each other?
Also, is this the Shunya Vada of Buddhism. If yes, then is Uttara Gita an interpolated text or is Shunya Vada recognized by Vedanta?