Normally we consider Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh as the Supreme God and as stated below all souls are part of this Supreme soul.
yathā sudīptāt pāvakādvisphuliṅgāḥ sahasraśaḥ prabhavante sarūpāḥ tathā'kṣarādvividhāḥ somya bhāvāḥ prajāyante tatra caivāpi yanti [Mundak Up. 2.1.1]
Meaning Just like from a well blazing fire shoots forth thousands of sparks, so from God arise beings of different kinds and goes back to it again.
My Question: All Supreme souls are male, so are all souls that enter human body male?
Part 2
If not then are there any chances that a soul which was part of female body in previous birth is part of male body in the next birth, which may or may not lead to confusion? As a part of female body soul gains certain karmas and as inhabitant of male body different karmas, so does this add up to some confusion as karmas pile up?