Can the Lord be one's own Guru?
Imagine yourself being a "thing" that ONLY re-acts to stimuli. That reaction could be due to different "Laws" governing your Physical, Psychological, Emotional, Hormonal and Spiritual, realms.
Then, what would you be like? Nothing, but like a bouncing-bumping molecule, roaming around in space, that WAS ONCE, IN PAST, "acted" upon by someone "alive", and is now ONLY REACTING to its environment based on some fixed laws...
Now what probability one such molecule has, to come out of a large box, full of randomly moving molecules, through a small orifice in it? It would be hopelessly low, due to its short mean free path (i.e the path over which it doesn't "re-act" and thus moves a in straight line).
In the chaotic Kaliyuga, Sansaar is quite the similar box, with one small way out, called Moksha. With the prevalent, NIL, less, or weak self-control i.e "Chitta Vritti Nirodh", a significant number of people have developed, the same "bumping-bouncing" characteristic of a molecules, in their nature.
They can now ONLY respond their animal Instincts. The Divine Intuition, or so called Wisdom, has now ceased to exist in Humans. Even the smallest "acts of god" now hold the potential to bring a fearsome beast out of a "descent-looking", "peace-talking", "Democracy-loving" person.
EVERYBODY... literally EVERYBODY knows whats "right". EVERYONE is looking for ways to 'lose their-"Self"'. Though unknowingly, but EVERYONE has a vague idea of Moksha, our TRUE STATE. AND STILL, we all REPEAT THE SAME mistakes again and again.
But that's all fine. It was all meant to happen. This is the final stage of Yuga-cycle, that corresponds to the final stage of Human life i.e Old age, when every thing material, including our own body, comes in conflict with each other, and consequently hurts (unless we take shelter of Sannyas Ashram).
Now the question is, can we change ourselves, on our own?
Apparently, its like asking "Can we pull a carriage while sitting on it". So we need kind of a spiritual psychiatrist to cure our "sickness". Our options for the "psychiatrist" are as follows:
- A Religion, with STRICT, UNQUESTIONED "rules" of so many "DO's & DON'Ts".
That means...
"Don't do this!...Don't do that!", OR "That's Satanic...That brings
hell fire on you!" or "Thats a sure ticket to Heaven, i.e a place of Eternal pleasure..."
It's all to ensure the isolated confinement of the bumpy "molecules" in their own "conflict-free-Zones". In simple terms, it NEVER actually transforms a person from inside, rather just conflict-prevention mechanism (as like Democracy). Hinduism is NOT a Religion.
- An idea of a "Supreme" Being as in the "Baptized-Hinduism".
That "being" is...
"Aahha!" SO FULL of OPULENCES and "Aahha!" he LOVES his devotees SO MUCH, that he (even unfairly) favors them all the time. His devotees, who act like His estranged "WIVES", are like royalties of the world. They are all well protect from their own PAST a cute, innocent new-born, wrapped in a warm, cozy PINK blanket. They are the SWEET "Aahha!-Hindus".
So its ALL about creating a kind of delusion, like a "fairy-tale" for the "immature kids" is to stop "crying" and just "sleep". It makes the bumpy "molecules" to "forget moving" at all, so that the "Aahha!-Peace" can be ensured.
Good-Job, but this ALSO NEVER actually transforms a person from inside.
Now the last is...
- A Enlightened (human) Guru. (Indeed a RARE breed.)
What he does is as trivial as...
Opening a knot...or Removing a block...And a SPONTANEOUS flow of positive change and transformation starts in his blessed disciple. And with proper tools of Scriptures, he can grow a healthy crop of wisdom, on his previously barren mind.
How can a Guru does such "magic"?
It's the reason WHY we say...
Guroor Brahma...Guroor Vishnu...Guroor Devo Maheshvara
Imagine a scenario of Clouds over Earth, and its Raining!
Lord Shiva is the Lord of Tamasik-Prakriti. Tamas, like Gravity, (on earth) is Avyakta absolute. Not just gravity, but its also the molecular forces between molecule. Its the driving force of EVERYTHING! Its the 'WHY?' among questions, and the PAST in Tenses.
Lord Vishnu is the Lord of Rajasik-Prakriti. Rajas is like Surface Tension in the water that's pouring down. It the TRANSFORMATION of the Avyakta water molecules, into Vyakta clods and droplets. Its the Self-Consciousness or Ahankaar. Its the PRESENT in Tenses, and SO it's also the 'Existence' itself. Its the one 'IDEA' in the mind of a seeker, that reaches its 'Conclusion'.
Lord Brahma is the Lord of Sattavik-Prakriti. Sattva here, is the Water, the material Vyakta Absolute. Its the "Purity". It is the innocent curiosity, and the FUTURE in Tenses. Notice that its the Consciousness of Rajas (Vishnu), that transforms the Avyakta Tamas (Shiva), into the Vyakta Sattav (Brahma). No wonder that Lord Brahma came out of Lord Vishnu.
Whole world is following the same pattern,
Avyakta ==> Vyakta ==> Avyakta
Where the start and end BOTH is Maheshvar Shiva, and the transformations is due to Shri Hari.
"Guroor Brahma" => Guru realizes the RAW, Vyakta potential of his disciple.
"Guroor Vishnu" => Guru nurtures the found qualities into the disciple's Identity.
"Guroor Devo-Maheshvara" => Guru acts like an ocean, an endless reservoir that absorbs, or fulfill for any imbalance, whatsoever, that may arise in his disciple.
Remember ones First Guru is his/her Mother.
At last, you see your Lord can be either Brahma, Vishnu, or Mahesh, but a (human) Guru is ALL IN ONE! Choice is yours.
NOTE: I seldom provide references in my posts, because looking up to a book every time you "think!", is a again NOT a Hindu trait. Vedas were in souls of ancient sages, they have not mugged it up either. Reading Vedas should be a journey of Mind to soul, rather than of memory from one synapse to the other.
Mind you, that there is a difference between Vedas and books of other religion. "Vedas" are NOT "Holy" as in "Holy Bible" or "Holy Quran", but they can for sure bring THE HOLY out of you.