Samkhya and Yoga are one of the six Astika Darshanas of thoughts in Sanatana Dharma (the other four being Nyaya, Vedanta, Mimamsa and Vaisheshika).
Both Darshanas are said to very closely related. Both philosophies posit the universe consisting of two independent entities i.e. Purusha (consciousness) and Prakriti (matter) which bond together to form a Jiva, which in turn leads to the emergence of buddhi (intellect) and ahamkara (ego). Both Darshanas are concerned with breaking the bonds between Purusha and Prakriti through Kaivalya which leads to Moksha. The two Darshanas also rely on three pramanas mainly i.e. pratyaksa (perception), anumana (inference) and sabda (testimony). In fact, some of the arguments by Vyasa in the Brahma Sutras against the Samkhya Darshana directly apply to the Yoga Darshana as well. The only difference I could find between the two philosophies was that Samkhya denies the existence of Ishvara while Yoga accepts the existence of Ishvara.
My question is, apart from existence or nonexistence of Ishvara, what are the other philosophical differences between these two Darshanas?