In this discourse by Shri Bannanje Govindacharya @5:47 he mentions that Bhishma says "Kathamasmi Sahithyeva Sambhadhasyath" in Moksha Dharma Parva of Mahabharata

What is the exact source of this quotation?

1 Answer 1


You must be talking of this shloka.

yadA sa rUpatashchAnyo jAtitaH shrutito.arthataH |
kathamasminsa ityeva sambandhaH syAdasaMhitaH || 12.211.34 ||

here you can find it . It is in 44th section of moksha dharma parva. Moksha dharma parva starts from 168 chapter , and this shloka is in 211 chapter of shanti parva and this is 34th verse


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