I'm concerned about Mantrapushpanjali
The doubt is in this sentence:
ॐ राजाधिराजाय प्रसह्यसाहिने नमो वयं वैश्रवणाय कुर्महे | स मे कामान्कामकामाय मह्यम् कामेश्वरो वैश्रवणो ददातु | कुबेराय वैश्रवणाय महाराजाय नमः || 2 ||
In the end, you see महाराजाय नमः
Now, I tried to find same on many other sources and all of them had same words, especially the Namah.
But doubt arose when I heard this on Star Plus Mahabharat. It is clearly heard them singing like "महाराजाय विद्महे" instead of "महाराजाय नमः"
I also noticed them pronouncing दधातु instead of ददातु.
So I'm not sure which one is correct and which one to trust.
How do I determine which one is correct/pure or where can I find correct source of Mantra Pushpanjali?
Note: If you want to hear it yourself, just type "Mahabharat Rajyabhishek Mantra" on YouTube and hear in the end, you'll understand my doubt.