
Gita chapter 6 verse 8

jñānavijñānatṛptātmā kūṭastho vijitendriyaḥ yukta ityucyate yogī samaloṣṭāśmakāñcanaḥ

Meaning :The YOGI who is satisfied with knowledge and wisdom, who remains unshaken, who has conquered the senses, to whom a lump of earth, a stone and gold are the same, is said to be harmonised (i. e. , is said to have attained NIRVIKALPA SAMADHI) .

My confusion : what is the meaning of Knowledge and wisdom in this verse?

In what sense is knowledge and wisdom used in this verse?

Specifically, I want to know what type of knowledge and wisdom

Oxford Dictionary : knowledge mean information and Wisdom mean intelligence

  • Oxford dictionary, is insufficient to convey the import of what knowledge/ignorance could mean in this context..It is usual to attribute knowledge/ignorance to intellect, in common...Here, in the scope of Gita it is narrowness of understanding if it is assumed , this way., Whatever action (by thoughts , speech, body) done, is rooted on desire or attachment which again is grounded on spiritual ignorance or avidya(here it is not about intellectually not knowing etc).
    – Athrey
    Commented May 16, 2023 at 7:55
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    Spiritual wisdom, is a direct experience (aparoksha anubhuti) that occurs only when mind is calm (when thoughts doesn't rattle)..All scientific claims are valid until another evidence sets a timeline for its validity. However, spiritual wisdom is eternally valid (Nithya).It is the Parama purushartha(highest possible attaintment of human life)Here, attitude is of value . It is not about intellectual acquisition of facts
    – Athrey
    Commented May 16, 2023 at 7:56
  • 2
    You can try reading commentaries on BG written by our legendary Acharyas like Shripad Adi Shankaracharya, Ramanujacharya, Madhvacharya and many more from here(PS. refer to the first answer and stick to the commentaries linked to acharyas of a bonafide sampradaya and not that of ppl like Devdutt Pattanaik which are also mentioned in the ans)....Hope this helps Commented May 16, 2023 at 8:07
  • 1
    Please reply to this comment if you feel that question is not duplicate.
    – Pandya
    Commented May 18, 2023 at 5:34
  • 1
    @Pandya I agree, my question is duplicate
    – jasmine
    Commented May 18, 2023 at 18:13

1 Answer 1


The two key words are jnana and vijnana (jñānavijñāna). The word Jnana means scriptural knowledge while Vijnana translated as wisdom means direct experience of the truth according to some commentators.

The clarity of understanding obtained through the intellectual pursuit and pious study of the scripture goes by the nomenclature, jnana or knowledge; but that is not sufficient by itself. It has to culminate in vijnana - intuition which is mentioned here as wisdom. The Truth cogitated upon becomes cognized and the yogi delights both in the process and attainment.

Commentary on Gita 6.8 by Swami Chidbhavananda

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