Disclaimer: I mostly agree with @PradipGangopadhyay's answer (upvoted) except the statement that Lord knows our Agami Karma. Please refer all those scriptures before reading this answer.
Agami Karma or any event is NOT "known" by ANYONE. Even though all are predetermined.
Above statement is contradictory, which is explained in 'Free Will' segment.
"Know" vs "Believe"
There is a sharp difference between "knowing" and "believing". Weather forecasting dept. Believes that the X day will have rains but they don't Know it. "Knowing" comes only when something happens; until then, it's just "Believing". Few decades back using various maths, the humans "believed" the earth to be a round. They "knew" only after the satellite photos.
"Know" relates to past, while "Believe" is futuristic. For eternal truths (e.g 1+1), both merges to present.
Why past can be known, but future can be believed?
Let's first start with manifested supreme nature of God (call Vishnu).
Here is how it's impossible to 'know' future by Vishnu:
--------×------------(×, 9/11 attack)---
.......T1...............T2 Event
In above time line, let's assume TrikAl GyAni knows on some ordinary day of 20th century that WTC attack shall happen. His/her states of "knowledge" are T1 and T2 respectively.
- means T1 constitutes 9/11 + T2(plain)
- means T2 constitutes T1 which is aware of T2 as (1)
- means T1 constitutes 9/11 + T2 which is aware as (2), not plain
- means T2 constitutes T1 which is aware as (3), not (1)
- means T1 constitutes 9/11 + T2 which is aware as (4), not (2)
- ...
Above is a bit complicated logic, hence needs perseverance of mind a bit & you get this infinite recursion, which is impossible. Now this is literally "infinite" and not "too big to be finite". Former is theoretical and latter is practical. Above is just an example of 2 time moments. Think about altogether.
Above proves that with whatever might one has, it's quite impossible for any manifested entity (be it God) to assure future, as it requires infinite resources. But surely it can be predicted to near true accuracy. But that is just prediction, as good as yours or mine. May be ours are less probable to happen.
From scriptures; Krishna 'kind of predicted' following:
BG 11.34 — Droṇa, Bhīṣma, Jayadratha, Karṇa and the other great warriors have already been destroyed by Me. Therefore, kill them and do not be disturbed. Simply fight, and you will vanquish your enemies in battle.
He also added to enjoy the glory of earth after winning the war. Most of his words were true, except Drona. Arjuna was not even a far away reason for Drona's death. No one could kill him. He left his body using KriyA yoga (after forfeiting his only attachment towards AshwatthAmA) at last. One may refer this chapter of Drona Parva, which describes Drona receiving Moksha before his dead body was decapitated by Drishtadyumna.
There is another instance, where after receiving curse from GAndhAri, Krishna let it happen instead of changing it. Here are the words of DwaipAyana:
Vyasa said, ‘The mighty car-warriors of the Vrishni and the Andhaka races have all been consumed by the Brahmana’s curse. O chief of Kuru’s race, it behoveth thee not to grieve for their destruction. That which has happened had been ordained. It was the destiny of those high-souled warriors. Krishna suffered it to take place although he was fully competent to baffle it. Govinda was able to alter the very course of the universe with all its mobile and immobile creatures.
VyAsa as TrikAla GyAni said that Krishna can change the future events. How can one "know" something which is alterable? It shows that the futuristic events can be just believed to be happening with high probability, but can't be known by Any manifestation!
But Brahman creates all, why can't it know?
One may ask, what about unmanifested eternal nature of God (call Shiva or Brahman), can it "know"?
Yes, it 'can' know, but it 'doesn't'; even though all creation is manifested from it! Because Brahman is "uninterested" in its creations to remain *NishkAm" and unbound by Karma.
BG 9.8, 9.9 — The whole cosmic order under Me automatically manifests again and again and annihilated at the end.
— O Dhanañjaya, all these Karma cannot bind Me, as I am ever uninterested (and) detached from all these Karma.
For Brahman, all is Bhuta, as Krishna refers in Gita. Which means everything has happened; be it past or future. If we can "know" past, Brahman can "know" (what we call) future too.
However here is the catch: we know only the interesting part of past, not all billions of moments.
For Brahman, nothing is interesting! Hence unknown.
Why predetermined?
Brahman's actual unmanifested form is eternal and constant. Like how a computer algorithm in absence of external variables would generate always same random number, Brahman as only source & destination, also does the same. It keeps creating/destroying same universe all the time. Here universe means all the past & future events which we live as present and all thoughts we ever generate.
BG 2.12 — Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be.
(Just think, why should Krishna say such words when there is something called Moksha!)
If by any chance Brahman is creating different universes every time, then due to infinite regression, we can't ever reach current moment. But that's not the case. Hence it has to be frequency; i.e. universe should repeat itself on every day of Brahma.
Then what changes between 2 universes?
May be nothing or may be which part of universe is experienced by consciousness or may be the type of consciousness. All are beliefs. What we may know is that everything has to be cyclic, if not on Brahma's day then month or year or millennium... It must repeat.
Free Will
Isn't it contradicting that, even though the Bhuta created by Brahman is predetermined, yet unknown!
Yes, this is called "free will". Because no one Knows what's going to happen, we feel our Will to be free. But in reality it is not. Our Will is generated and terminated by God which roots to One. One variable (as good as constant) can contain only One value!
All above is what I "believe", but don't "know" yet. :-)