There are many sects in Hinduism: Shaivas, Vaishnas and Ganapatyas, to name a few. For the Goddess, there are Shaktas. However, obviously, Shaktas are only glorifying Shakti, the wife of Shiva, more than the other two Tridevi. In fact, they say all the Tridevi are her incarnations, hence in this context, Shakti is the most powerful as the other Tridevi were merely her avatars.
Are there any sects which glorify Lakshmi or Saraswati themselves or am I just misinterpreting who the Shaktas worship?
After reading Amit Saxena's answer below,I realised that the word "Shakti" in Shaktism doesn't refer to Shakti,the wife of Shiva but Shakti, the feminine form of the Divine(Brahman) and that I was,apparently," misinterpreting who the Shaktas worship" .However,in the answer in this question,there are groups like Srikula and Kalikula,whom visualise Shakti/Brahman/the supreme deity as Lalitha Tripurasundari and Durga respectively.Are there any sects like these for Lakshmi and Saraswati?If the answer is no,why not?