While reading Mukhya Upanishads, I found there are many verses that say who does Upasana upon Brahman or Om, is led up or reach/attain to Brahmaloka.
Example: (Verses from Sanskritdocuments and English translations from sacred-texts):
Prashnopanishad 5.5:
यः पुनरेतं त्रिमात्रेणोमित्येतेनैवाक्षरेण परं पुरुषमभि- ध्यायीत स तेजसि सूर्ये सम्पन्नः । यथा पादोदरस्त्वचा विनिर्भुच्यत एवं ह वै स पाप्मना विनिर्भुक्तः स सामभिरुन्नीयते ब्रह्मलोकं स एतस्माज्जीवघनात् परात्परं पुरुशयं पुरुषमीक्षते । तदेतौ श्लोकौ भवतः ॥
Again, he who meditates with this syllable AUM of three Mâtrâs, on the Highest Person, he comes to light and to the sun. And as a snake is freed from its skin, so is he freed from evil. He is led up by the Sâman-verses to the Brahma-world; and from him, full of life (Hiranyagarbha, the lord of the Satya-Loka ), he learns to see the all-pervading, the Highest Person. And there are these two Slokas.
Mundakopanishad 3.2.6:
वेदान्तविज्ञानसुनिश्चितार्थाः संन्यासयोगाद् यतयः शुद्धसत्त्वाः । ते ब्रह्मलोकेषु परान्तकाले परामृताः परिमुच्यन्ति सर्वे ॥
Having well ascertained the object of the knowledge of the Vedânta, and having purified their nature by the Yoga of renunciation, all anchorites, enjoying the highest immortality, become free at the time of the great end (death) in the worlds of Brahmâ.
You can also refer Kathopanishad 1.2.17, 1.3.16 etc.
Now going to the point
Read the following verses.
Kathopanishad 2.3.4:
इह चेदशकद्बोद्धुं प्राक्षरीरस्य विस्रसः । ततः सर्गेषु लोकेषु शरीरत्वाय कल्पते ॥
- 'If a man could not understand it before the falling asunder of his body, then he has to take body again in the worlds of creation.'
Verse 2.3.5:
यथादर्शे तथात्मनि यथा स्वप्ने तथा पितृलोके । यथाप्सु परीव ददृशे तथा गन्धर्वलोके छायातपयोरिव ब्रह्मलोके ॥
- 'As in a mirror, so (Brahman may be seen clearly) here in this 'body; as in a dream, in the world of the Fathers; as in the water, he is seen about in the world of the Gandharvas; as in light and shade, in the world of Brahmâ.'
Adi Shankaracharya's commentaries on above verses say that:
- It is essential to know and realize Brahman in this Loka because Brahman can't only be realized correctly/clearly in other Lokas except for Brahmaloka. And it is very hard to attain Brahmaloka.
- In other Lokas, the knowledge and realization of Brahman are unclear and only in Brahmaloka it is clearly realized like light and shadow.
After knowing this now, I am curious to know the Brahmaloka because all the other Lokas are tied to the cycle of birth and death, in other words, they are temporary (returning) and not permanent (non-returning). In case of current/this Loka, it is also under the influence of Maya but one can know and realize Brahman clearly in this Loka with the help of clear intellect. BUT Brahmaloka is the only one which is non-returning i.e once one attain it, he realizes Brahman clearly and ultimately attain Brahman.
So, I want to know:
- What is Brahmaloka?
- How does one realize Brahman in Brahmaloka like light and shadow (as discussed above)?
- Is there any scripture that describes the life at Brahmaloka?
Btw, I also want to discuss on kirtan/hymn by Narsinh Mehta which is ભૂતલ ભક્તિ પદારથ મોટું બ્રહ્મલોકમાં નાહીં રે in which the title line says that Devotion is the big/important thing in this Loka which is not present in Brahma Loka i.e Brahmaloka has no devotion. Another interesting line is હરિના જન તો મુક્તિ ન માગે, માગે જનમોજનમ અવતાર રે which means people of Hari don't want Mukti, instead, they ask/want birth-rebirth descent/incarnation for devotion.