Why do we join hands while praying or greeting or even when we apologise? What are the origin and significance of this practice?
1 Answer
In Sanskrit the word is namah + te = namaste which means “I bow to you” - my greetings, salutations or prostration to you. The word ‘namaha’ can also be literally interpreted as "na ma" (not mine). It has a spiritual significance of negating or reducing one's ego in the presence of another. In Kannada, it is called Namaskara and Namaskaragalu; in Tamil, Kumpiṭu; in Telugu, Dandamu, Dandaalu, Namaskaralu and Pranamamu; in Bengali, Nōmōshkar and Prōnäm; and in Assamese, Nômôskar.
ma does not mean mine. na mama means not mine. ma has a different unrelated meaning in Sanskrit.– user1195Commented Aug 17, 2016 at 2:33
Thank for the meaning of the word,But I want particularly the reason for such practice and origin of it.– GaneshCommented Aug 17, 2016 at 14:49