On learning about the whereabouts of Goddess Sita from Jatayu’s brother Sampati, the brave Hanuman crossed the endless seas and proceeded to Lanka. He found Goddess Sita in Ashoka Vatika and assured her that God Sri Rama would attack Lanka soon ,to free her from Ravana’s captivity.
On completion of his meeting with Goddess Sita, Hanuman took a decision to implement the strategy of "open" assault. And accordingly, started destroying the royal garden of Ravana.
यो ब्राह्मम् अस्त्रम् वेदान् च वेद वेदविदाम् वरः |
स त्वाम् दाशरथी रामो देवि कौशलम् अब्रवीत् || ५-३४-३
O Divine Lady! Rama the son of Dasaratha, who is excellent among the knowers of Veda and who knows Brahma's missile (a mythical weapon which deals infallible destruction) and Vedas the sacred knowledge, enquired about your welfare."
अल्प शेषम् इदम् कार्यम् दृष्टा इयम् असित ईक्षणा |
त्रीन् उपायान् अतिक्रम्य चतुर्थ इह दृश्यते || ५-४१-२
I have seen this black-eyed Seetha. There is only a little that remains to be done by me. Abandoning the three strategies for success{viz, sowing dissension, negotiation and bribery},I have to implement here the fourth strategy viz. open assault."
ततः तद्त् हनुमान् वीरो बभन्ज प्रमदा वनम् |
मत्त द्विज समाघुष्टम् नाना द्रुम लता युतम् || ५-४१-१५
Then, the valiant Hanuma laid waste the royal garden attached to the gynaecium resonant with cries of birds in heat and endowed with various kinds of trees and creepers.
Hanuman was subsequently taken as prisoner by Indrajit, the son of Ravana, and taken to the court of Ravana.
अवध्योऽयमिति ज्ञात्वा तमस्त्रेणास्त्रतत्त्ववित् |
निजग्राह महाबाहुर्मारुतात्मजमिन्द्रजित् || ५-४८-३७
Indrajit, who knows the true nature of missiles, feeling certain that he was incapable of being killed, bound that Hanuma, the son of wind-god, by that missile presided over by Brahma the Creator.
And during the meeting of Hanuman with Ravana in his Court,Ravana ordered that Hanuman’s tail be set on fire as a punishment.
आज्ञापयत् राक्षस इन्द्रः पुरम् सर्वम् सचत्वरम् |
लान्गूलेन प्रदीप्तेन रक्षोभिः परिणीयताम् || ५-५३-५
Ravana ordered that let the monkey be carried around with his burning tail by the demons in the entire city around its cross-roads.
Hanuman, being the greatest devotee of God Sri Rama,was only focussed on chanting the name of God Sri Rama, despite his tail being set on fire.
यदिभर्तुर्हतार्थाय चरन्तम् भर्तृशासनात् || ५-५३-१२
बध्नन्त्येते दुरात्मनो न तु मे निष्कृतिः कृता |
If these evil-minded demons fasten me who is acting for the good of Sri Rama my lord, because of the command by their lord, no rebuff has been done to me
The question is : Which specific attributes of a great devotee are highlighted in this exemplary devotional state of Hanuman, mentioned above?
Which text on Bhakti Yoga can amplify these qualities?