Bestiality is possibly the most abnormal and perverted form of sexual intercourse where a human being unites (sexually) with an animal.

Presumably, some Hindu temples in India depict bestiality through sculptures found on their walls.

Now, based on that some people may jump on to conclusion that "Hinduism" supports/promotes it.

What do the Hindu Scriptures say on bestiality. Since it's called the "Sanatana Dharma" we can expect that it will not avoid it by saying too vulgar/taboo/offensive to discus and will have a definite say/stand on the issue.

  • 2
    What do you mean by unnatural here? Because if you're using the common meaning of the word ("found in nature"), there is nothing unnatural about it.
    – Davor
    Commented Oct 17, 2016 at 11:01
  • 1
    By "unnatural" I meant something which is against natural order/laws."Found in nature" and "supported by natural laws" are two different things.
    – Rickross
    Commented Oct 17, 2016 at 11:30

2 Answers 2


I'm adding my own answer based on the Parashara Smriti.Looking for more answers from other users with valid Scriptural quotes.

Chapter 10 of Parashara Smriti is titled Agamyaagamanaprayaschittavarnanam or "The description of expiations for prohibited sexual intercourses".

This chapter deals with bestiality too.Slokas 12 &13 are useful here.

  1. On carnal intercourse with a beast, or a prostitute and the like, or with a female buffalo, or with a female camel, or with a she monkey, or with a sow, or a female ass, one should perform the Prajapatya penance.

enter image description here

  1. On carnal intercourse with a cow, the sin is removed by three nights' fast; a cow should be presented to a Brahman as fee. On carnal connection with a female buffalo, a female camel or an ass, the sin is removed by one night's fast.

enter image description here

Similarly, the Manu Smriti(Chapter 11 verse 173), states:

11.173. A man who has committed a bestial crime, or an unnatural crime with a female, or has had intercourse in water, or with a menstruating woman, shall perform a Samtapana Krikkhra.

enter image description here

So,as per Hindu Shastras, bestiality is a sin and the expiations are also precisely mentioned therein.

  • 2
    Why do certain temples have homosexual and bestial acts carved on their walls? What do they represent?
    – user9969
    Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 8:38
  • 2
    They are an acknowledgement of some people practicing bestiality at that time. There would have been no need for these smritis to prescribe prayaschitta if nobody practiced it. Commented Jan 24, 2020 at 14:59
  • How can I know that? I did not build those temples @SuryaKantaBoseChowdhury. Yudhistira lied to win a battle, he betted his wife, Bhima drank blood of his brother.. What do these incidents show? that they have approval of Dharma?
    – Rickross
    Commented Jan 25, 2020 at 5:54

The Vishnu Smriti condemns bestial acts:

Causing (bodily) pain to a Brāhmaṇa; smelling at things which ought not to be smelt (such as excrements), or at spirituous liquor; dishonest dealing; sexual connection with cattle, and (sexual connection) with a man (or non-vaginal intercourse with a woman): such are the crimes resulting in loss of caste. He who has knowingly committed one of the acts effecting loss of caste shall perform the Sântapana penance; he who has done so unawares shall perform the Prâgâpatya penance. (Vishnu Smriti, Chapter 38, Verses 1-6)

The Narada Smriti too explicitly forbids bestial acts:

When a man has sexual connection with (small) cattle, he shall pay one hundred (Panas) as a fine; (for sexual connection) with a cow, he shall pay the middling fine; and the same (for sexual connection) with a low-caste woman. (Narada Smriti 12.76)

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