Recently, I had a discussion with my friend regarding which civilization of the world is the most ancient. We've been through some Wiki links according to which more or less Sindhu Civilization is one of the most or (one and only) ancient civilization.
I would like to know are there any chapters, shlokas or poetry which mention any religion or civilization other than Hinduism?
I can see Ravana is not from India, he is from Sri Lanka and he was a devotee of Lord Shiva which in turn they call it as Hindu.
Can someone explain with links or trusted facts that if any Hindu related books like Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, etc mention any other religion or civilization?
Why we had this doubt is because Lord Rama was rich and powerful king of that time. Why did he ever try to invade or explore other places in the world ? Also in Mahabharata, Kauravas always want Pandavas part?
Or is it that in those times no other kingdom existed?