The scriptures may not refer negative traits about women. If such a negative trait is present in all the women, then it's considered a part of them. Scriptures do talk about certain limitations. Biggest limitation is that, "Women can't be happy independently", they should be bound with either father, brother, husband, son or grandson. As discussed in this answer:
There is the well-known declaration of the scriptures that women are incompetent to enjoy freedom at any period of their life. If this were not the path trodden by the righteous, how could this scriptural declaration exist? ... In childhood, the sire protects her. The husband protects her in youth. When she becomes old, her sons, protect her. At no period of her life does woman deserve to be free.
Now this also cautions about the fact, that if women find a wrong man then due to improper progeny the whole family values can get corrupt. This establishes the importance of securing women due to their sensitivity towards vices:
BG 1.41 O Krsna, when vice predominates, the women of the family become corrupt. O descendent of the Vrsnis, when women become corrupted, it results in the intermingling of castes.
But we should also understand that the above verses were said in different era with different social structure. Today's era is predominant with certain feminism & many women manage to live happily independent. Does that mean the scriptures are wrong?
The ancient scriptures are right in their own context. However in today's time, the anatomy of "Man vs Woman" is no more exclusive with "Male vs Female". In earlier times, Males were spiritually Men and Females were spiritually Women. Each side is trying to become other side by compromising SwaDharma or re-establishing a new SwaDharma.
This is noted by Osho, that in today's world the difference between Man & Woman is diminishing which is Not desirable for a healthy society.
I am all in favour of women’s liberation – but not the way the women’s liberation movement is going. It is taking a reactionary attitude, it is not a real revolution. It is trying to imitate man. And remember, imitation never makes you equal; imitation at the most will make you a carbon copy – but the original is original.
But whatever is the state today, is bound to happen, as everything happens with God's will.
IMO, may be DhritarAshtra's saarathy Sanjaya foresaw such diminishing line between men & women upon the fall of Duryodhana, who was an embodiment of Kali demon:
The evil-minded and wicked king Duryodhana, the destroyer of the fair fame of the Kurus, was born of a portion of Kali on earth.
Lakes and wells, O best of kings, vomited forth blood. Rivers of rapid currents flowed in opposite directions. Women seemed to look like men, and men to look like women at that hour, O king, when thy son Duryodhana fell!