I am confused with the name Krishna. As per my current knowledge, then name of the the Ninth Avatar(birth) of Narayan is Krishan/krishn (not krishna). And Krishna is the name of Draupadi. But we often use word Krishna as Lord Vishnu's avatar.

I think this confusion is because of English language. In English laguage we often messes up Lord's name by putting "a" at the end of the name like we type Ram as Rama, Ramayan as Ramayana etc. And same way we type Krishan/krishn as Krishna.

But the question is whether Lord Narayan Avatar also has same name as Draupadi had because we often use word Krishna for Lord Narayan even when we talk in Hindi OR Krishna is only name of Draupadi, not of Narayan. Is name Krishna is being used in any of our scriptures as Lord Narayan's Avatar name?

  • 3
    Lord is कृष्ण (Krishna), Draupadi is कृष्णा (Krishnã)
    – Tezz
    Commented May 29, 2017 at 5:59
  • 3
    putting 'a' at end of name, like Rama, is common in South India, whereas saying just Ram is common in North India. 'Rama' or 'Krishna' is also 8th vibhakthi (sambodhan) in sanskrit, when you call someone's name, you say 'Hey Rama, come here', or 'Krishna, where are you'. That's why most people say Rama or Krishna instead of Ram or Krishn. Whereas, just 'Ram' (राम्) is not technically correct, it should be 'Ramaha, or Ram:' (राम:) or 'Krishnaha or Krishna:' (कृष्ण:) with visarga at end.
    – ram
    Commented May 29, 2017 at 6:05
  • 2
    Sanskrit is the original, Hindi is Sanskrit mixed with Urdu which is muslim/mleccha bhasha. In Sanskrit, it is कृष्ण: (Krishnaha), not Krishn (which has halank at end and doesn't mean anything)
    – ram
    Commented May 29, 2017 at 6:10
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    @Tezz, actually, it is कृष्ण: , not just कृष्ण .. there is visarga at end, but colloquially we drop it and just say Krishna not Krishn or Krishnaha
    – ram
    Commented May 29, 2017 at 6:13
  • 1
    @Rishabh Sanskrit is language of Attributes. People are named after qualities. Krishna is called कृष्ण as he is black (Narayana is Megha varnam). Shiva means auspicious. Vishnum means "all pervading". So, as Parabrahman has infinite attributes, he is called by infinite names. There are no proper nouns in Sanskrit or Veda Bhasha to be precise. This also makes Sanskrit eternal language (and so vedas). See these introduction lessons.
    – The Destroyer
    Commented May 29, 2017 at 6:39

1 Answer 1


Correct pronunciation of name in Sanskrit = कृष्ण: or Krishnaha , राम: or Raamaha , because in Sanskrit grammar, that is the first vibhakthi.

The last 8th vibhakthi allows for saying Krishna (कृष्ण) or Raama (राम) when calling the person.
Note - this is not Krishnaa (कृष्णा) or Raamaa (रामा), which is not technically correct male name. But when calling someone, they might elongate the 'aa' at the end, and that is fine.

कृष्णा or Krishnaa is correct female name, and it denotes Draupadi. She was black in complexion, and so was Krishna, hence the name.

Btw, due to slight cultural variations in language, North Indians generally say राम् (Raam), while in Tamilnadu they generally say रामा (Raamaa).. neither of which is 100% correct, but it's alright for daily use.

You can see vibhakthis explained here - https://sanskritinstitute.wordpress.com/sanskrit/

  • 1
    But the rama shabda is अकारान्तः पुन्लिङ्गः राम शब्दः . It is rama word. ISn't it? Commented May 29, 2017 at 6:27
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    @SreeCharan, Raama is fine. Raam or Raamaa are not. Also, i'm not sure how gramatically correct that sanskrit sentence is. maybe it is just what people say to denote the 'Raama' shabda, than to use it in a sanskrit shloka
    – ram
    Commented May 29, 2017 at 6:29
  • 1
    South Indians call रामा (polonged "aa") only to show affection. We generally call Sita Rama. Ayodhya Rama, Dasharatha Rama..Here Rama is just राम.
    – The Destroyer
    Commented May 29, 2017 at 6:31
  • 2
    Let us continue this discussion in chat.
    – user1195
    Commented May 29, 2017 at 7:04
  • 2
    @AnuragSingh Once the conversation has moved to chat, it's better if we continue discussion in chat.
    – The Destroyer
    Commented May 31, 2017 at 16:06

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