From Manusmriti:
Adhyay 11 Shlok 56:
ब्रह्मोज्झता वेदनिन्दा कौटसाक्ष्यं सुहृद्वधः ।
गर्हितानाद्ययोर्जग्धिः सुरापानसमानि षट् ॥ ५६ ॥
brahmojjhatā vedanindā kauṭasākṣyaṃ suhṛdvadhaḥ |
garhitānādyayorjagdhiḥ surāpānasamāni ṣaṭ || 56 ||
Neglecting the Veda, reviling the Veda, bearing false witness, slaying a friend, and eating of forbidden and unfit food,—these six are equal to ‘wine-drinking.’—(56)
Adhyay 9 Shlok 237:
गुरुतल्पे भगः कार्यः सुरापाने सुराध्वजः ।
स्तेये च श्वपदं कार्यं ब्रह्महण्यशिराः पुमान् ॥ २३७ ॥
gurutalpe bhagaḥ kāryaḥ surāpāne surādhvajaḥ |
steye ca śvapadaṃ kāryaṃ brahmahaṇyaśirāḥ pumān || 237 ||
For violating the preceptor’s bed the sign of the female organ shall be branded; for drinking wine that of the tavern; for theft that of the dog’s foot; and for killing a Brāhmaṇa that of a headless man.—(297)
Adhyay 9 Shlok 280:
कोष्ठागारायुधागारदेवतागारभेदकान् ।
हस्त्यश्वरथहर्तॄंश्च हन्यादेवाविचारयन् ॥ २८० ॥
koṣṭhāgārāyudhāgāradevatāgārabhedakān |
hastyaśvarathahartṝṃśca hanyādevāvicārayan || 280 ||
9.280. Those who break into a (royal) storehouse, an armoury, or a temple, and those who steal elephants, horses, or chariots, he shall slay without hesitation.
(Breaking into a Mandir could be considered Ninda or Blasphemy)
From Shrimad Bhagavatam 4.4.17:
कर्णौ पिधाय निरयाद्यदकल्प ईशे ।
धर्मावितर्यसृणिभिर्नृभिरस्यमाने ।
छिन्द्यात्प्रसह्य रुशतीमसतीं प्रभुश्चेत् ।
जिह्वामसूनपि ततो विसृजेत्स धर्मः ॥ १७ ॥
karṇau pidhāya nirayādyadakalpa īśe |
dharmāvitaryasṛṇibhirnṛbhirasyamāne |
chindyātprasahya ruśatīmasatīṃ prabhuścet |
jihvāmasūnapi tato visṛjetsa dharmaḥ || 17 ||
- When the Supreme Lord (Śiva), the protector of religion, is blasphemed by restraintless people, one should shut one’s ears and leave the place if he is powerless (to kill the slanderer or die in the action). If he is powerful enough, he should, by force, cut off the vituperative tongue which utters such evil words, and lay down his own life (if necessary for that). Such is the course of righteous duty (dharma).
From Kurma Purana:
- If one spits at or reviles in front of Devas and the sages, one should burn one's tongue by means of a firebrand. Gold too should be given as gift.
- If any Br&hmana passes urine in the garden of Devas (i.e. in the precincts of shrines) even for once, his penis should be cut off for the sake of expiation and *he should perform Candrayana rite.
- If out of delusion, an excellent BriLhmana passes urine in the sanctum sanctorum of a temple; his penis should be cut off. He should perform the Candrayana rite.
Gautama (21.10).—‘Giving false evidence, calumnies which will reach the ears of the king, an untrue accusation against the Guru, are equal to the Mahāpātakas.’
Do. (37.1-5).—‘Setting one’s self up by false statements, making statements which will reach the ears of the King, regarding a minor offence committed by some one, unjustly upbraiding a Guru, reviling the Veda, forgetting the studied Vedic texts; these are crimes of the fourth degree.’
Yājñavalkya (3.228-29).—‘Insulting one’s Guru, reviling the Veda, killing a friend, forgetting what has been learnt, these are equal to Brāhmaṇa-killing; eating forbidden food, dishonesty, lying for aggrandisement, kissing a woman in the courses, are equal to wine-drinking.’
हर हर महादेव जी जय जय सनातन धर्म ਹਰ ਹਰ ਮਹਾਦੇਵ ਜੀ ਜਯ ਜਯ ਸਨਾਤਨ ਧਰ੍ਰਮ