I'm witnessing upsurge in sacrileges, such as—

  • Demolishing idols of devatā-s or devī-s.
  • Profane acts targeting iconography of devatā-s or devī-s.
  • Making abusive versions of epics, purāṇa-s, etc.

I wonder, what are the consequences of such actions? or in other words, what are the sins attached to blasphemy?

  • 2
    sometimes when you see people suffering for no reason, like an accident, or handicap, we feel pity on them and try to help them - yes, we should do that, but when the questions arises - why did they suffer in the first place ? then karma has the answer - they did some papa in the past lives and are experiencing its results now. same logic goes for people who are enjoying great luck in this life, it means they did punya earlier. btw, Garuda purana has a lot of act+consequence u're looking for
    – ram
    Commented Jun 25, 2017 at 4:22
  • @ram ""for people who are enjoying great luck in this life..."" - So that means they accumulated Punyas only to be bad. If Punya is making them do bad, then is it Punya or rather a miserably strong Paapam.
    – user9392
    Commented Jun 25, 2017 at 12:22
  • 2
    @AnuragSingh, they didn't accumulate Punyas IN ORDER TO BE bad. They are bad INSPITE of punyas, that means they acquired some new vasanas in this birth, or the vasanas were lying dormant and because of their great luck, they have the audacity to do bad things without realizing that they will be paying for it in future. Btw this pitfall exists only if you do punyas for the sake of acquiring merit. But if you do punyas for sake of pleasing God, this pitfall doesn't exist.
    – ram
    Commented Jun 25, 2017 at 22:41
  • 1
    @ram Yes I agree. THIS PLAY OF MAYA. It is really hard to comprehend. This disport of Fate, Karma, Time, is hard to be understood.
    – user9392
    Commented Jun 27, 2017 at 8:34
  • 1
    If they don't know about our god's as they are Non Hindu, so in that case we who come across with them should politely make them understand, I hope not immediately but later they may change their mind. If you don't do this then you may also have a sin Commented Oct 4, 2017 at 4:33

5 Answers 5


A punishment which one has to face in the afterlife is given in Devi Bhagavata Purana 9.33.

The wretch that abuses Mûla Prakriti, the Vedas, the S’âstras, Purânas, Brahmâ, Visnu, S’iva and the other Devas, Gaurî, Laksmî, Sarasvatî and the other Devîs, goes to the hell named Bhayânaka Narakakunda. There is no other hell more tormenting than this. The sinners live here for many Kalpas and ultimately become serpents. There is no sin greater than the abuse of the Devî. There is no expiation for it. So one ought never to abuse the Devî. If one discontinues the allowances given by oneself or other persons to the Devas or Brâhmanas, one goes to Visthâ Kunda and has to eat the faeces there for sixty thousand years and finally to be born in Bhârata as worms in faeces the same number of years.

This includes punishments for abusing both deities and the scriptures.

  • Hinduism says so about dieties and Scriptures....Does hinduism tells about abusing people..Like serious abuse, slangs and also on making jokes on people for fun and leg pulling, etc. I don't think this used to happen in the past(vedic era).
    – LSSJ Broly
    Commented Jun 17, 2022 at 14:27
  • @LSSJBroly You can see this -- hinduism.stackexchange.com/q/15460/4732
    – Rickross
    Commented Jun 17, 2022 at 17:28
  • 🤔🤔What about the light jokes which people throw on others? What if the person for whom the joke is, feels bad? Does it count as 'papa' for the speaker? Just asking out of curiosity.😅😅
    – LSSJ Broly
    Commented Jun 17, 2022 at 17:45
  • 1
    Obviously it is not good to offend and humiliate others .. our conscience tells us that @LSSJBroly
    – Rickross
    Commented Jun 18, 2022 at 6:29
  • Is there a prāyaścitta for devanindā (nindā of devatās)?
    – Bingming
    Commented Nov 28, 2023 at 20:52

Such actions can be done in following ways:


One doesn't intend to harm, but due to some indirect actions, a person ends up damaging something. This doesn't result in anything as there was no purpose behind it. Some people feel sorry and some don't. Both are OK.

The Qn is not about this category, so not discussing much.


Many have the only ability to hate, they simply can't love. Hence they use this "hate" as a tool to worship God. If they are serious about what they are doing with single pointed steadfastness, then it's a kind of devotion (Bhakti). Which is called Shatru Bhakti. i.e. Worshipping god by animosity

Ultimately this hateful person either wants to kill the god or wants get killed by that god. Examples:

  • ShishupAla:

    And while Sisupala was speaking thus, the exalted slayer of Madhu thought in his mind of the discus that humbleth the pride of the Asuras. ... the chief of the Yadus, that slayer of all foes, in anger, instantly cut off the head of the ruler of Chedi by means of his discus. And the mighty-armed one fell down like a cliff struck with thunder. And, O monarch, the assembled kings then beheld a fierce energy, like unto the sun in the sky, issue out of the body of the king of Chedi, and O king, that energy then adored Krishna, possessed of eyes like lotus leaves and worshipped by all the worlds, and entered his body. And all the kings beholding the energy which entered that mighty-armed chief of men regarded it as wonderful. [source]

  • RAvana -- see this answer, how Rama turned Ravana into nothingness

Whichever god we love or hate, we end up merging with them. Depending on emotion, the merger would be either pleasant or despicable.


Now some people simply deride the god to have some distorted fun.
Yes, this is also a worshipping like above, but it's not steadfast or serious. Such people get their dues exactly in the same way due to Karma.

BG 4.11 - The way they approach Me, exactly in same way I serve them; O Partha, all human beings follow My path in every way.
BG 9.11 - Ignorant people who have taken a human body, make fun of Me, not knowing My supreme nature as the Lord of all beings


From Shiva Gita, Virodhi Bhakti too if in excess resulting into devotion, can become cause of liberation.

अनादरेण शाठ्येन परिहासेन मायया . शिवभक्तिरतश्चेत्स्यादन्त्यजोऽपि विमुच्यते [21]
Anyone while doing criticism, or while disrespecting, or due to jealousy, if gets devoted or gains devotion for Shiva, he would get cleansed of all the Sins immediately.

  • I don't understand the logic. So if I hate Rama because I love Ravana, I would get closer to Rama instead of Ravana? Commented Dec 20, 2017 at 20:58
  • 3
    ,@sv. Yes, if day in and day out, all you're thinking about is Sriman Narayana, if your mind is utterly consumed by him, then even if those thoughts are in the form of hate rather than love that can lead to Moksha. Commented Dec 21, 2017 at 6:26
  • @KeshavSrinivasan He doesn't believe in Sabda PramAn. Moreover, I am also selective in believing Sabda PramAn. Commented Jan 23, 2018 at 16:15
  • 2
    @Rajas. You should believe Sabda Pramana in all matters in which it does not contradict Pratyaksha and Anumana. If you're not convinced of this, I suggest you read Shabara's commentary on the Purva Mimamsa Sutras. Commented Jan 23, 2018 at 16:28
  • 3
    @Rajas. Read the part of his Bhashya on Adhyaya 1 Pada 1 of the Purva Mimamsa Sutras. That establishes the Pramanya and Apaurusheyatva of the Vedas. (The Pramanya of Smriti is established later on, in Adhyaya 1 Pada 3.) Commented Jan 23, 2018 at 16:36

Excessive thinking of Lord even in the mood of hated/abuse results in Moksha only.

By enmity or by devotional service, by fear, by affection or by lusty desire — by all of these or any one of them — if a conditioned soul somehow or other concentrates his mind upon the Lord, the result is the same, for the Lord, because of His blissful position, is never affected by enmity or friendship.(SB 7.1.26)

Many, many persons have attained liberation simply by thinking of Kṛṣṇa with great attention and giving up sinful activities. This great attention may be due to lusty desires, inimical feelings, fear, affection or devotional service. I shall now explain how one receives Kṛṣṇa’s mercy simply by concentrating one’s mind upon Him. My dear King Yudhiṣṭhira, the gopīs by their lusty desires, Kaṁsa by his fear, Śiśupāla and other kings by envy, the Yadus by their familial relationship with Kṛṣṇa, you Pāṇḍavas by your great affection for Kṛṣṇa, and we, the general devotees, by our devotional service, have obtained the mercy of Kṛṣṇa. Somehow or other, one must consider the form of Kṛṣṇa very seriously. Then, by one of the five different processes mentioned above, one can return home, back to Godhead. Therefore, one must somehow think of Kṛṣṇa, whether in a friendly way or inimically.(SB 7.1.30-32)


From Manusmriti:

Adhyay 11 Shlok 56:

ब्रह्मोज्झता वेदनिन्दा कौटसाक्ष्यं सुहृद्वधः । 
गर्हितानाद्ययोर्जग्धिः सुरापानसमानि षट् ॥ ५६ ॥

brahmojjhatā vedanindā kauṭasākṣyaṃ suhṛdvadhaḥ | 
garhitānādyayorjagdhiḥ surāpānasamāni ṣaṭ || 56 ||

Neglecting the Veda, reviling the Veda, bearing false witness, slaying a friend, and eating of forbidden and unfit food,—these six are equal to ‘wine-drinking.’—(56)

Adhyay 9 Shlok 237:

गुरुतल्पे भगः कार्यः सुरापाने सुराध्वजः । 
स्तेये च श्वपदं कार्यं ब्रह्महण्यशिराः पुमान् ॥ २३७ ॥

gurutalpe bhagaḥ kāryaḥ surāpāne surādhvajaḥ | 
steye ca śvapadaṃ kāryaṃ brahmahaṇyaśirāḥ pumān || 237 ||

For violating the preceptor’s bed the sign of the female organ shall be branded; for drinking wine that of the tavern; for theft that of the dog’s foot; and for killing a Brāhmaṇa that of a headless man.—(297)

Adhyay 9 Shlok 280:

कोष्ठागारायुधागारदेवतागारभेदकान् । 
हस्त्यश्वरथहर्तॄंश्च हन्यादेवाविचारयन् ॥ २८० ॥

koṣṭhāgārāyudhāgāradevatāgārabhedakān | 
hastyaśvarathahartṝṃśca hanyādevāvicārayan || 280 ||

9.280. Those who break into a (royal) storehouse, an armoury, or a temple, and those who steal elephants, horses, or chariots, he shall slay without hesitation.

(Breaking into a Mandir could be considered Ninda or Blasphemy)

From Shrimad Bhagavatam 4.4.17:

कर्णौ पिधाय निरयाद्यदकल्प ईशे । धर्मावितर्यसृणिभिर्नृभिरस्यमाने । छिन्द्यात्प्रसह्य रुशतीमसतीं प्रभुश्चेत् । जिह्वामसूनपि ततो विसृजेत्स धर्मः ॥ १७ ॥

karṇau pidhāya nirayādyadakalpa īśe | dharmāvitaryasṛṇibhirnṛbhirasyamāne | chindyātprasahya ruśatīmasatīṃ prabhuścet | jihvāmasūnapi tato visṛjetsa dharmaḥ || 17 ||

  1. When the Supreme Lord (Śiva), the protector of religion, is blasphemed by restraintless people, one should shut one’s ears and leave the place if he is powerless (to kill the slanderer or die in the action). If he is powerful enough, he should, by force, cut off the vituperative tongue which utters such evil words, and lay down his own life (if necessary for that). Such is the course of righteous duty (dharma).

From Kurma Purana:

  1. If one spits at or reviles in front of Devas and the sages, one should burn one's tongue by means of a firebrand. Gold too should be given as gift.
  2. If any Br&hmana passes urine in the garden of Devas (i.e. in the precincts of shrines) even for once, his penis should be cut off for the sake of expiation and *he should perform Candrayana rite.
  3. If out of delusion, an excellent BriLhmana passes urine in the sanctum sanctorum of a temple; his penis should be cut off. He should perform the Candrayana rite.

Gautama (21.10).—‘Giving false evidence, calumnies which will reach the ears of the king, an untrue accusation against the Guru, are equal to the Mahāpātakas.’

Do. (37.1-5).—‘Setting one’s self up by false statements, making statements which will reach the ears of the King, regarding a minor offence committed by some one, unjustly upbraiding a Guru, reviling the Veda, forgetting the studied Vedic texts; these are crimes of the fourth degree.’

Yājñavalkya (3.228-29).—‘Insulting one’s Guru, reviling the Veda, killing a friend, forgetting what has been learnt, these are equal to Brāhmaṇa-killing; eating forbidden food, dishonesty, lying for aggrandisement, kissing a woman in the courses, are equal to wine-drinking.’

हर हर महादेव जी जय जय सनातन धर्म ਹਰ ਹਰ ਮਹਾਦੇਵ ਜੀ ਜਯ ਜਯ ਸਨਾਤਨ ਧਰ੍ਰਮ

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