Supposedly, in the Shiva Purana, Lord Shiva says to Goddess Parvati the following verse:

Ekam prasamshati yastu sarvAneva prasamshati |
Ekam nindati yasteshAm sarvAneva vinindati ||


One who praises one, praises all and one who censures one thereby censures all.

The context here is of condemning Iswara Ninda ( that is condemning the act of criticism of God).

I want to know where exactly in the Shiva Purana is this verse found.

If by chance it is not there in the Shiva Purana, then the follow up question is- Which scripture contains it?

  • 1
    i searched in Shiva Purana but couldn't find it.
    – The Destroyer
    Commented Aug 1, 2017 at 12:58
  • Ok but my source says its in there, anyways lets see.. @TheDestroyer
    – Rickross
    Commented Aug 1, 2017 at 13:00
  • @Rickross What is your source? Commented Aug 1, 2017 at 13:04
  • @KeshavSrinivasan The Shaktananda Tarangini. shivashakti.com/shaktanan.htm
    – Rickross
    Commented Aug 1, 2017 at 13:09

1 Answer 1


These verses can be found in Chapter 3 Upodghatapada of Brahmanda Purana (translated by GV Tagore).

कारणं तु स्मृता ह्येते नानार्थेष्विह देवताः |
एकं प्रशंसमानस्तु सर्वानेवप्रशसति || ९३

kāraṇaṃ tu smṛtā hyete nānārtheṣviha devatāḥ |
ekaṃ praśaṃsamānastu sarvānevapraśasati || 93

93.These deities are remembered as the cause of the different affairs. A person who praises one, praises all.

एकं निन्दति यस्त्वेषां सर्वानेव स निन्दति |
न प्रद्वेषस्ततः कार्यो देवतासु विजानता || ९४

ekaṃ nindati yastveṣāṃ sarvāneva sa nindati |
na pradveṣastataḥ kāryo devatāsu vijānatā || 94

94.He who censures one censures all. Hence, no one who knows these, should have hatred towards the deities.

Reverse order of verses can be found in Chapter 66 of Vayu Purana. (translated by Sudharshan Kumar Sharma)

एकं निन्दति यस्तेषां सर्वानेव स निन्दति।
एकं प्रशंसमानस्तु सर्वानेव प्रशंसति।
एकं यो वेत्ति पुरुषं तमाहुर्ब्रह्मवादिनम्।। ११४।।

ekaṃ nindati yasteṣāṃ sarvāneva sa nindati।
ekaṃ praśaṃsamānastu sarvāneva praśaṃsati।
ekaṃ yo vetti puruṣaṃ tamāhurbrahmavādinam।। 114।।

He who censures one among them censures all. He who eulogises one, eulogises all of them. They declare him as Brahmavadin (propounder of Brahman) who understands one Purusa.

But in both cases speaker of those verses is Suta not Lord Shiva and Suta explains "Race of Dharma" in those chapters.

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