In the Padma Purana, Uttara Khanda, Chapter 236, Lord Shiva says to Parvati that He would incarnate as Adi Shankaracharya to teach the mayavadi philosophy:

mayavadam asac chastram pracchannam bauddham uchyate mayaiva kalpitam devi kalau brahmana rupina (Padma Purana 6.236.7)

Translation: "Mayavada or Advaita philosophy is an impious, wicked belief and against all the conclusions of the Vedas. It is only covered Buddhism. My dear Parvati, in Kali-Yoga I assume the form of a brahmana (Adi Shankara) and teach this imagined philosophy.

apartham sruti-vakyanam darsayan loka-garhitam sva-karma-rupam tyajya tvam atraiva pratipadyate sarva-karma paribhrastair vaidharma tvam tad ucyate paresa-jiva-paraikyam maya tu pratipadyate (Padma Purana 6.236.8-9)

Translation: "This mayavada advaita philosophy preached by me (in form of Adi Shankara) deprives the words of the holy texts of their acutal meaning and thus it is condemned in the world. It recommends the renunciation of one's own duties, since those who have fallen from their duties say that the giving up of duties is religiosity. In this way, I have also falsely propounded the identity of the Supreme Lord and the individual soul."

brahmanas caparam rupam nirgunam vaksyate maya sarva-svam jagato py asya mohanartham kalu yuge (Padma Purana 6.236.10)

Translation: "In order to bewilder the atheists, in Kali-yuga, I describe the Supreme Personality of Godhead Lord Krishna to be without any form and without qualities."

vedante tu maha-sastrera mayavadam avaidikam mayaiva vaksyate devi jagatam nasha-karanat (Padma Purana 6.236.11)

Translation: "Similarly, in explaining Vedanta scripture, I described the same non-scriptural and inauspicious mayavada philosophy in order to mislead the entire population toward atheism by denying the personal form of my beloved Lord."

Are there any similar verses in other scriptures saying that Lord Shiva would appear as a Brahmana to preach the mayavada philosophy?


1 Answer 1


The following verses are from Garuda Purana, Brahma kanda, 16th Adyaya:

maNimAnnAma daityastu shaN^karAkhyo bhaviShyati |

sarveShAM saN^karaM yastu kariShyati na saMshayaH || 3:16:70

tena shaN^karanAmA.asau bhaviShyati khageshvara |

dharmAn.h bhAgavatAn.h sarvAn.h vinashyati sarvathA || 3:16:71

A Demon by name maNimAn will come into being as Shankara, who will, no doubt, pollute everything. This is why, O King of birds (Garuda), his name will be Shankara; he will pollute and destroy all BhAgavata Dharmas.


vAyu purANa :-

janayiShyathi Kala: kaScinmaNimAn vidhDhipaarvathi |

praviSya thathra dhEvESa pracCannam boudhDhamEvahi ||

( Rudradeva saying to ParvathiDevi-When Demon by name Maniman will take birth on earth in Kaliyuga, By entering in him, I will preach Advaith Shasthra which is another form of Boudha Shsthra).

skamdha purANa :-

kAladi grAmake rudhrAvESAjjayathi mOhayan |

boudhDhaSAsthra parO viprO ya:kaSciththasya SiShyaka: ||

sasamkaraSca sanyasya thasmAthsanyAsarUpiNa : ||

vEdhAmthaSAsthramithyEthath dhuShtaSAsthram cakArayath ||

( In a Village which will be called as Kaaladi, Demon will take birth with Rudravesha and will be a Disciple of follower of Boudha Shastra and in disguise of a Sanyasi (Yathi) will preach Bouddha Dharma (Dushta Shasthra) by misleadingly saying that he will teach Vedanta Shasthra.


Note: Whether these puranas/verses are genuine or added later is another matter.

Bhaskara (9th Century CE), the propounder of bhedabheda-siddhanta was one of the earliest Indian philosophers to attack Mayavada. In his commentary on Vedanta-sutra, Bhaskara does not mention Sankara by name, nor does he mention the name of his philosophy. However by reviewing his arguments against the monistic doctrine of maya and the Advaitic concept of anirvacaniya, it is obvious who and what he is alluding to.

Bhaskara is positively vitriolic when writing about the Advaitin’s concept of maya, referring to it’s adherents as bauddha-matavalambin (those that cling to Buddhist ideology) and goes on to say that their philosophy reeks of Buddhism (bauddha-gandhin). Bhaskara concludes that, “No one but a drunkard could hold such theories” and that Mayavada is subversive of all sastrika knowledge:

vigitam vicchinna-mulam mahayanika-bauddhagathitam mayavadam vyavarnayanto lokan vyamohayanti

Expanding on the contradictory and baseless philosophy of maya propagated by the Mahayanika Buddhists, the Mayavadis have misled the whole world. (Bhaskara’s Brahma-sutra-bhasya 1.4.25)

In his Siddha-traya, the Vaisnava philosopher Yamunacarya (917–1042 CE) stated that Buddhism and Mayavada was essentially the same thing. The only difference he could see was that while one was openly Buddhist (prakata-saugata), the other was simply covered (pracchana-saugata).

Following on from Yamunacarya, his disciple Sri Ramanuja (1017-1137 CE) also concurred that Mayavada was another form of Buddhism. In his Sri Bhashya commentary on the Vedanta-sutras, Ramanuja says that to claim that non-differentiated consciousness is real and all else is false is the same as the Buddhist concept of universal void. Furthermore, Ramanuja states that the concepts of such crypto-Buddhists make a mockery of the teachings of the Vedas (veda-vadacchadma pracchana-bauddha).

Another acarya in the line of Ramanuja, Vedanta Desika (1269–1370) wrote his famous Sata-dusini, a text expounding one hundred flaws found in Mayavada. In that work he refers to Sankara as a rahu-mimamsaka (one who obscures the true meaning of Vedanta), a bhrama-bhiksu (a confused beggar), a cadmavesa-dhari – one who is disguised in false garb, and goes on to assert that, “By memorizing the arguments of the Sata-dusini like a parrot, one would be victorious over the crypto-Buddhists.”

In another work, Paramata-bhangam, Vedanta Desika refers to Sankara as, “One who studied the Vedas in the shop of a Madhyamika Buddhist” (referring to Sankara’s param-guru Gaudapada of whom we will speak of later in this article).


  • 9
    So Adi Shankara polluted everything? And who will purify all again? :P This is why, O King of birds (Garuda), his name will be Shankara Means what? Shankara from Sham - who gives peace.
    – Rickross
    Commented Aug 14, 2017 at 5:18
  • 11
    I don't have any problems, you have you don't consider them as scriptures ..but u still quote from them when what they say suits ur agenda..BTW who will purify? Anything mentioned? :P
    – Rickross
    Commented Aug 14, 2017 at 6:43
  • 12
    OH i see so u are also one of those who will purify? :P But no scriptures mention u as the purifying agent..
    – Rickross
    Commented Aug 14, 2017 at 6:48
  • 12
    Wow! Puranas even saying names. Haha. very good. What were those people who read these Puranas before doing when Shankara was roaming entire India.
    – The Destroyer
    Commented Aug 14, 2017 at 7:32
  • 5
    @TheDestroyer you dont know that puranas mention names? then what have you observed in puranas till now ? Commented Aug 14, 2017 at 7:40

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