Would like to know ,what's the meaning of the below mentioned : Jyothismatim Dwaasaadayami Jytothishkrutam Dwaasaadayami Jyotirvidam Dwaasaadayami BhaaswaTim Dwaasaadayami Jwalanthim Dwaasaadayami Malmalaabhavantim Dwaasaadayami Deepyamaanam Dwaasaadayami Rochamaanam Dwaasaadayamyajasram Dwaasaadayami Bruhajyotisham Dwaasaadayami

  • 1
    Where did you hear this mantra? Do you know any online source?
    – The Destroyer
    Commented Nov 1, 2017 at 10:26
  • I was attending one Hindu function last week, one of the brahmins chanted these .... cudnt talk to him later ..he was v.old , didnt stay at that place n left 😢 seems its coming from Rik or Yajus ..not sure....
    – samolpp2
    Commented Nov 1, 2017 at 15:06


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