wether dasas were monsters or they were evil of a man in vedas specially rig-veda.
Some verses may show them living beings
अकर्मा दस्युरभि नो अमन्तुरन्यव्रतो अमानुषः । त्वं तस्यामित्रहन्वध र्दास स्य दम्भय ॥८॥
The Dasyu practising no religious rites, not knowing us thoroughly, following other observances, obeying no human laws, Baffle, destroyer of enemies [Indra], the weapon of that Dasa .
– Translated by H. H. Wilson
— Rigveda 10.22.8
while some as demons
स इ द्दासं तुवीरवं पतिर्दन्षळक्षं त्रिशीर्षाणं दमन्यत् । अस्य त्रितो न्वोजसा वृधानो विपा वराहमयोअग्रया हन् ॥ ६॥
The sovereign Indra attacking him overcame the loud shouting, six eyed, three headed Dasa , Trita invigorated by his strength, smote the cloud with his iron-tipped finger.
— Rigveda 10.99.6, translated by H. H. Wilson
some describe it as evil of a man
4 Agni shone bright when born, with light killing the Dasyus and the dark: He found the Kine, the Floods, the Sun.
—Rigveda 5.14.4
Dasa is also used in Vedic literature, in some contexts, to refer to "servants", a few translate this as "slaves", but the verses do not describe how the Vedic society treats or mistreats the servants.
So my question is whether the title dasa in rigveda is multiused or is it evil of a man. please use only vedic verses to explain.(Try to eleborate more about them)