Note that this is not a dup of this question, since the answers I expect are not from the Upanishads.
I have two questions based on my (poor) understanding of a few posts in this site. They are related and hence asking in one post.
For the matter of this post, I define a Vedantic scripture to be all of the Upanishads, The BrahmaSutra and the Bhagavad Gita (of Krishna) combined.
Is there a Vedic (non-Vedantic) scripture that talks about the concept of Moksha (the attainment of status equal/identical to Brahman)? I am not referring to the MahaMrtyunjaya stotram which means something slightly different (IMHO based on my reading of Sanskrit).
If there is none, what is the purely Vedic (non-Vedantic) thought about what happens after death?
I would greatly appreciate references to the scriptures with locations so that I can read up the verses and understand as much as I can.
(I am curious to know what is there in the Vedas, when Nachiketa (who has a few important Vedic rituals assigned to him) needed to ask this to Yama as related in the Kathopanishad. If there was a clear reference, Yama would not have mentioned it as a secret knowledge (IMHO)).