According to the Shrimad Bhagvatam Rishi Agastya was the son of Pulastya and a brother of Vishrava:
The sage Añgirã and Sraddhã had four daughters and two sons, Utathya and Brihaspati. The sage Pulastya and HavirbhU had the sage Agastya and the great ascetic Visravä (who begot Kubera the god of wealth, and, by another wife, Rãvana, Kumbhakarna and Vibhishana). Pulaha and Gati had Karmasreshtha. Variyãn and Sahiu. Kratu and Kriyã had sixty thousand sages known as Vãlakhilyã. Vasishtha and Urjã had seven Sons (Citraketu, Suroci, Viraja. Mitra, Ulbana, Vasubhrdyãna and I)yuman). Atharva and Sãnti had Dadici. Bhrigu and Khyãti had two sons Dhäti and Vidhãtã, and a daughter Sri, and also Kavi. He who listens to this recitation of Kardama’s progeny is freed from sins.
This would make him the uncle of Kubera as well as Ravana. The Ramayana also mentions that he gave Rama the Brahmastra with which Ravan was finally killed which would imply that he helped Rama in killing his evil nephew!
I want to know whether this relationship between Rishi Agastya and Ravana is mentioned or at least hinted at in any other scripture?