Nothing specific, but Manu Smriti says this:
8.299. A wife, a son, a slave, a pupil, and a (younger) brother of the full blood, who have committed faults, may be beaten with a rope or a
split bamboo,
But, in another chapter, it also says this:
4.164. Let him, when angry, not raise a stick against another man, nor strike (anybody) except a son or a pupil; those two he may beat in
order to correct them.
But anyway, one who beats a woman (wife or otherwise) quite frequently, is considered as a minor sinner. Such sinners are to be avoided at ancestral ceremonies.
One, who injures a friend; one, who is deceitful; one, who daily
beats women; one, who renounces his parents and preceptor; as well
as one, who renounces his wife; (32)
Usana Smriti verse
In KulArnava Tantram (which is a ShAkta Tantram) 11.65, however, Lord Shiva says that women should not be beaten under any circumstances:
Striyam shatAparAdhAnchet pushpenAni na tArayet |
Doshanna ganayet
strinAt gunAneva prakAshayet ||
One should not hit a woman even with a flower no matter how many
faults she might have committed. One must not count their
faults/shortcomings; on the other hand, their qualities must be