There are qualities that we need to develop to become more peaceful at heart and then become worthy of receiving the ultimate gnana about one god everyone has to attain.
The following qualities are to be developed gradually in life as per Mahabharata
Sacrifices, Gift, Asceticism, the Vedas, and Truth--these five holy things are ever present in conduct that is called virtuous.
- Sacrifices are generally taken as things done by people belonging to a sect or subsect. There is a greater meaning to this. Sacrifice is a behaviour pattern change and thinking that everything that you are able to accomplish in life is due to getting energy from things that are arranged for you by mother nature and the results of work either it be getting good name or money has to be again submitted to nature. Being humble can be developed by sacrifice. It does not mean that we need to relinquish all our money to welfare of society. Just do things that are in your capacity and give things back to mother nature.
- Gift -- Ability to help people in need whether it be for their education, daily needs based on your circumstances.
- Asceticism -- Avoiding over indulgence in sensual pleasures and having self discipline
- Vedas -- Get essence of Dharma from vedas by reading translations available or asking questions about things you do not understand without disrespecting. If it is not possible to read them then atleast believing things you heard or read about vedas as being the ultimate truth will suffice.
- Truth -- Always speaking truth and also seeking the ultimate reality of becoming one with God.
The above discussed five are the basics you need to follow before diving deep into developing other qualities. The following words of fowler to Kausika will solidify the concepts that we discussed above.
Having subjugated lust and wrath pride avarice, and crookedness, they that take pleasure in virtue because it is virtue, are regarded as really virtuous and worthy of the approbation of persons that are virtuous. They follow only the practices of the honest and the good. This indeed, is the second attribute of the virtuous. Waiting upon superiors, Truth, Freedom from anger, and Gift, these four, O Brahmana, are inseparably connected with behaviour that is virtuous.
The essence of the Vedas is Truth: the essence of Truth is self-control, and the essence of self-control is abstention from the pleasures of the world. These all are to be noticed in behaviour that is virtuous. Lust and temptation are even like sharks in the river of life; the waters are the five senses. Do thou cross over to the other side of this river in the boat of patience and resignation, avoiding the shoals of corporeal existence (repeated births in this world). The supreme virtue consisting in the exercise of the intelligent principle and abstraction, when gradually super-added to virtuous conduct, becomes beautiful like dye on white fabrics.Truthfulness and abstention from doing injury to any one, are virtues highly beneficial to all creatures. Of these, that latter is a cardinal virtue, and is based on truth.
Those who are not swayed by anger, pride, haughtiness and envy, and those who are quiet and straight-forward, are men of virtuous conduct. And virtuous conduct is indicated by acquisition of knowledge, pilgrimage to sacred places, truthfulness, forbearance, purity and straight-forwardness. Virtuous men are always kind to all creatures, and well-disposed towards regenerate men. They abstain from doing injury to any creature, and are never rude in speech. Those good men who know well the consequences of the fruition of their good and evil deeds, are commended by virtuous men. Those who are just and good-natured, and endowed with virtue, who wish well of all creatures, who are steadfast in the path of virtue, and have conquered heaven, who are charitable, unselfish and of unblemished character, who succour the afflicted, and are learned and respected by all, who practise austerities, and are kind to all creatures, are commended as such by the virtuous.
—Mahābhārata Book 3, Section CCVI (emphasis added)
Please note that whenever any of the puranas say men while describing something it is not being bias. Purusha is a term used for humans which includes everyone born as human. So there is no bias in that.
For further reading of this wonderful akhyana you can go to Aaranya parva
If you develop the qualities prescribed by vedas and live your life adhering to them then you will be considered a follower of sanatana dharma even if you are not able to physically be present in land where this is followed and are unable to read all the books of knowledge related to the same. Hope this helps you on your journey and welcome to the world of Dharma.