The following statement from Section 81, Anushasana Parva of Mahabharata suggests drinking cow urine

"Vyasa said, ... One should for three days drink the hot urine of the cow..."

In addition to this, please provide any other references that suggest the same.

  • Vyasa said we should drink. But didn't he explain, why? Do you have any info regarding "why"?
    – Vishvam
    Commented Sep 16, 2018 at 8:07
  • As per I know, no such reason was given in this context
    – hanugm
    Commented Sep 16, 2018 at 8:42
  • 4
    @Rishabh Reason ('becomes cleansed of sins') is given....
    – YDS
    Commented Sep 16, 2018 at 9:18
  • 2
    People are downvoting valid Qs these days without giving any reasons. You shd complain to the Mods if u feel it is needed. @hanugm I hv already upvoted this Q before so can not compensate the useless downvote.
    – Rickross
    Commented Nov 13, 2018 at 7:48
  • Yeah, some people are intentionally doing that and are biased towards some type of questions only. I am complaining @Rickross
    – hanugm
    Commented Nov 13, 2018 at 8:19

1 Answer 1


There are numerous such verses in the Smritis. Consuming Panchagavyas (the five products obtained from a cow) is considered as an effective sin-cleansing remedy for a variety of sins.

Here are a few verses from various chapters of Parashara Smriti:

28. Urine of the cow, cow-dung, milk, curd, and ghee, these five are the five articles derived from a cow. They, and water in which the kusa grass has been dipped, — are themselves pure, and therefore purify the sin.

  1. A Krichchhra-santapana consists in eating cow-dung, cow's urine, milk, curd, ghee, and water in which kusa grass has been dipped, and likewise a fast for a single night.

Where a Brahman from ignorance follows the corpse of one who belongs to the military caste, he becomes impure for a single night, and purifies himself by eating the fivefold products of a cow. [These are, milk, curd, clarified butter, cow's urine and cowdung.]

  1. For drinking water raised from a well, into which a Chandala's pot has been dipped, purity may be restored by drinking for three nights cow's urine in which half-ripe barley has been blended.

  2. When a Brahman through ignorance chances to eat any food that belongs to one of the Chandala caste, he should purify himself by living on half-ripe barley and cow's urine for ten nights

  3. In case of association for a month or half a month, with persons belonging to the Chandala caste, purity returns by living on cow's urine, wherewith unripe barley is mixed, during the period of half a month

According to the Parashara Smriti, Vedic deities reside in each of these five products from the cow.

  1. The god Varuna is in the urine of the cow ; the god of sacrificial fire in the cow-dung ; the god of wind in the curd ; the moon in the milk ; and the sun in the ghee

(Here is a related post : Why is Panchagavya considered holy in Hinduism?)

Here are more such relevant verses from Manu Smriti:

11.90. A twice-born man who has (intentionally) drunk, through delusion of mind, (the spirituous liquor called) Sura shall drink that liquor boiling-hot; when his body has been completely scalded by that, he is freed from his guilt;

11.91. Or he may drink cow’s urine, water, milk, clarified butter or (liquid) cowdung boiling-hot, until he dies;

11.212. (Subsisting on) the urine of cows, cowdung, milk, sour milk, clarified butter, and a decoction of Kusagrass, and fasting during one (day and) night, (that is) called a Samtapana Krikkhra

  • 1
    'drink that liquor boiling-hot; when his body has been completely scalded by that, he is freed from his guilt', 'boiling-hot, until he dies' - what kind of self-induced punishments are these? If this results in death, isn't that suicide which itself is a big sin? How is he supposed to free himself from guilt when he is no more? Commented Sep 17, 2018 at 1:02
  • 1
    It is not suicide.. 1.Scriptures which condemn suicide can not recommend the same.. 2. This is a form of punishment which is found in many Smritis for certain grave sins... For e.g for cohabiting with one's own mother such a punishment is prescribed in Parashara... @sv.
    – Rickross
    Commented Sep 17, 2018 at 5:54
  • @Rickross I believe what is a substitute for such also does boiling it pure it of impurities obviously I am not thinking of doing such I find it repulsive, but I understand the sacredness of a cow.
    – Haridasa
    Commented Mar 12 at 20:34
  • No idea if that is the real reason behind boiling @Haridasa
    – Rickross
    Commented Mar 13 at 5:44

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