The following verse is saying the same:
Sampadah swapna samkAshA yauvanam kusumopamam |
TaricchanchalamAyushcha kasya syAjjAnato dhritih ||
Wealth (prosperity) is like a dream. Youth is like a flower/blossom (i.e it withers in no
time). Life-span is momentary like lightning. Who can have patience after
knowing all these?
KulArnava Tantram 1.30
This verse and many other verses of the same chapter are talking about how short lived we are and how much less time we have to accomplish what we have to.
Pratikshanamaym kAyo jirnamAno na lakshyate |
ivAmbhahstho vishirno naiva bhAvyate ||
The ignorant man fails to see that with every moment his body decays.
He does not think over the fact that, like an earthen pot kept immersed
in water, his body too is decaying with every passing moment.
KulArnava Tantram 1.37
There are many verses in this chapter like these two which have a similar purport.