Our scripture says:
महाभारते । १ । १५९ । २७ । “आपदर्थे धनं रक्षेत् दारान् रक्षेत् धनैरपि । आत्मानं सततं रक्षेत् दारैरपि धनैरपि ॥”) AtmAnam satatam rakshet.(Mahabharata, 1.159.27) One should always protect one's own life.
Another scripture of us (Gita, 3.35) says:
svadharme nidhanam sreyah. It is better to die than to accept 'para-dharma'(here dharma does not necessarily mean 'Religion')
For example, a brahmin's dharma are worshipping, working as priest, studying the scriptures and teaching them. But in these days it is difficult for many brahmins to live following these 'dharma'-approved duties and they are compelled to accept other professions.
They are NOT violating the first order. But may be they have to deviate from the second.
How to reconcile thses two scriptural injunctions? Does any scriptures or saint throw any light?