narasimha puraNa ch. 25
51-54. O king, under inspiration of that inexpressive voice, I gave up that ceaseless penance and created the living organisms of this
world. On completion of that project, Prajapati Visvakarma appeared
in my heart in a relaxed state. He made two radiant icons of god
Visnu and Sesanaga known as Ananta. O king, those portraits were
made of the same posture and sentiments as I had seen of god at that
time. Since then I used to worship those icons and by virtue of the
blessing so indirectly obtained from god, I could acquire knowledge,
ever pleasing and started living peacefully and in the state of
55-59. O the king of kings, I am going to tell you the benevolent way. Listen to it and as per my words give up this severe penance to
which you are performing this time and go back to your kingdom. It is
the foremost religion and penance of kings to take care of their
subjects. I will send that aircraft (vimana) containing that icon to
you with siddha and Brahmanas. Do the worship of god in the
prescribed manner for extraneous or physical adoration. O the great
king, do worship of that god sleeping on Sesanaga known as Ananta
duly performing the offerings without any expressive desire in the
mind (Niskamabhava) and take care of your subjects. O king, you will
definitely avail of emancipation by the grace of god Vasudeva. "With
these words Brahma returned to his abode."
60-66. O Brahmana, on departure of god Brahma, as Iksvaku was about to think over his suggestions, the aircraft (vimana) given by
Brahma suddenly appeared with the icons of Ananta and Visnu along
with Siddha Brahmanas before him. He saluted with great reverence
the icons and bowed his head before the Brahmins came in that
aircraft. Then he took the aircraft to his kingdom. All men and women
of that kingdom saw the king and they took him spreading flowers
(lava) on the way. The king installed that Vaisnava aircraft at his
giant temple and began to worship the icon of god Visnu as the same
was worshipped by the Brahmins come in that aircraft. His queens
used to make garlands of scented flowers for the icon which pleased
the king. The citizens too began to bring camphor, sandal, kumkum,
aguru etc., fragrances and clothes, gugula and special flowers for
god Visnu's worship.
67-72. The king used to worship god Visnu, seated on the aircraft in the morning, noon and in the evening with obeisance. He did japa,
recited the hymns, praise of his mercy and piping of conch-shell and
other musical instruments himself and made others to do the same, in
his realm. He used to arrange function at nights and the procession of
god duly trimmed according to the manner prescribed by the
scriptures. The king acquired the supreme knowledge by the grace of
god Visnu with his religious acts, the offerings, donations etc. He
reproduced sons in order to maintain the rites exercised by him as
to perform offerings, ruling and for satiation of Pitras coincide
continuous worship of god. He attained the abode of god Visnu merely
by extracting the breathings through concentration on the Brahma.
Thus king Iksvaku attained to the position of god Visnu, who is Aja,
Asoka, Amala, holy, tranquil and in the form of truth, chid and
pleasure (Saccidananda) by kicking off the limitless pain giving
narasimha puraNa ch. 26
10-11. Rama, in pursuance of the words of his father began observing penance in Dandakaranya with his brother Laksmana and wife Sita.
Ravana, in that forest abducted his wife Sita. Aggrieved at this,
Rama in the company of his brother tied with Sugriva in friendship,
took him with his crores of army consisting of monkeys and bears,
constructed a bridge on the giant sea and thus entered into Lanka. He
killed that suppressor of gods with his relations and the army, got
Sita again and returned to Ayodhya. Bharata, his younger brother
enthroned him. Rama gifted Vibhlsana an aircraft containing an icon
of the god Visnu and the kingdom of Lanka and thus, bade farewell.
The icon of god Visnu in spite of being carried by Vibhlsana with him
duly enshrined on the aircraft, was reluctant to live in Lanka. He
therefore, automatically installed at the holy forest developed by
Vibhlsana beyond the border of that state. There, the god sleeps on
the body of the giant serpent. Vibhlsana could not pick up that
aircraft from there. He then, departed to Lanka leaving the icon of
Visnu there in compliance with the suggestion of the god.
12. The place was turned into a great holy place because of the presence of god Narayana. It is still famous as Srlraranga
kshetra. The subsequent descendants were- Lava, Padma, Rtuparna,
Astrapani, Suddhodana and lastly Budha. Budha was the last
descendant of the solar clan and it ceased onward.