Is there any mention on Vishnu Avatars that took birth on earth in the past Manvantara?


1 Answer 1


Is there any mention on Vishnu Avatars that took birth in the past Manvantaras?

Yes, as per Vishnu Purana - Part 3 - Chapter 1, below are Lord Vishnu's avtars in past Manvantara:

  • Yajna was born in the Swáyambhuva or First Manwantara

  • Ajita was born in the Swárochisha or Second Manwantara

  • Satya was born in the Auttami or Third Manwantara

  • Hari was born in the Támasa or Fourth Manwantara

  • Mánasa was born in the Raivata or Fifth Manwantara

  • Vaikuntha was born in the Chákshusha or Sixth Manwantara

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