Is there any mention on Vishnu Avatars that took birth on earth in the past Manvantara?
1 Answer
Is there any mention on Vishnu Avatars that took birth in the past Manvantaras?
Yes, as per Vishnu Purana - Part 3 - Chapter 1, below are Lord Vishnu's avtars in past Manvantara:
Yajna was born in the Swáyambhuva or First Manwantara
Ajita was born in the Swárochisha or Second Manwantara
Satya was born in the Auttami or Third Manwantara
Hari was born in the Támasa or Fourth Manwantara
Mánasa was born in the Raivata or Fifth Manwantara
Vaikuntha was born in the Chákshusha or Sixth Manwantara