Kundalini can be achieved by different means (yoga or devotion or deep thinking).
Are there any symptoms or experiences the human undergoes before kundalini awakening? If yes, then what are the symptoms that are mentioned in scriptures?
Kundalini can be achieved by different means (yoga or devotion or deep thinking).
Are there any symptoms or experiences the human undergoes before kundalini awakening? If yes, then what are the symptoms that are mentioned in scriptures?
Various symptoms associated with the awakening of the Kundalini Shakti have been described in the Yoga Upanishads.
On account of the retention of semen there will be an agreeable or sweet fragrance emanating from the body of the Yogi. ~ Yoga Tattva Upanishad, Atharvaveda
After sufficient purification of the mind and body through practices such as Yama-Niyama, Pranayama, etc., the activation of the Sushumna becomes evident to the Yogi at the Parichaya Avastha which literally means the stage of becoming familiar.
By constant practice, He achieves Parichaya Avastha. Also by the effort of the Yogi, Prana and Agni (kundalini) enter Sushumna without obstruction. When the mind enters Sushumna along with Prana and Agni, it will reach its highest adobe (Sahasrara) ~ Yoga Tattva Upanishad, Atharvaveda.
First: Chini (like the sound of that word); Second: Chini-Chini; Third: Bell; Fourth: Conch; Fifth: Tantiri (lute); Sixth: Tala (cymbals); Seventh: Flute; Eighth: Bheri (drum); Ninth: Mridanga; Tenth: Clouds / Thunder). He may experience the tenth without the first nine sounds (through the initiation of a Guru) ~ Hamsa Upanishad, Shukla Yajurveda.
When the air has reached the space (gagana), a mighty sound is produced (resembling that of musical instruments such as a bell). Then perfection (siddhi) is near. ~ Goraksha Samhita by Gorakshanath.
The agitated Kundalini moves upwards and the shower of nectar flows more copiously. As a result of swallowing this, the Chitta of the Yogi is kept away from all sensual pleasures. The Yogi is exclusively absorbed in the Atma partaking of the sacrificial offering called nectar. He takes his stand in his own Self. ~ Yoga Kundalini Upanishad, Krishna Yajurveda.
During meditation you behold divine visions, experience divine smell, divine taste, divine touch, hear divine Anahata sounds. You receive instructions from God. These indicate that the Kundalini Shakti has been awakened. When there is throbbing in Muladhara, when hairs stand on their roots, when Uddiyana, Jalandhara and Mulabandha come involuntarily, know that Kundalini has awakened.
When the breath stops without any effort, when Kevala Kumbhaka comes by itself without any exertion, know that Kundalini Shakti has become active. When you feel currents of Prana rising up to the Sahasrara, when you experience bliss, when you repeat Om automatically, when there are no thoughts of the world in the mind, know that Kundalini Shakti has awakened.
When, in your meditation, the eyes become fixed on Trikuti, the middle of the eyebrows, when the Shambhavi Mudra operates, know that Kundalini has become active. When you feel vibrations of Prana in different parts inside your body, when you experience jerks like the shocks of electricity, know that Kundalini has become active. During meditation when you feel as if there is no body, when your eyelids become closed and do not open in spite of your exertion, when electric-like currents flow up and down the nerves, know that Kundalini has awakened.
When you meditate, when you get inspiration and insight, when the nature unfolds its secrets to you, all doubts disappear, you understand clearly the meaning of the Vedic texts, know that Kundalini has become active. When your body becomes light like air, when you have a balanced mind in perturbed condition, when you possess inexhaustible energy for work, know that Kundalini has become active.
When you get divine intoxication, when you develop power of oration, know that Kundalini has awakened. When you involuntarily perform different Asanas or poses of Yoga without the least pain or fatigue, know that Kundalini has become active. When you compose beautiful sublime hymns and poetry involuntarily, know that Kundalini has become active.