Bhakti, Gyan, Karma and Dhyana Yog all lead to Gyan or wisdom of Self/God realization. Actually all the worldly things like body, ego, family etc., are Mithya or temporary but a normal bound soul similar to animals cant grasp it easily owing to past births intrinsic animal instincts. Thats why intellect is given to human in first place, that is used to remember one's experiences and understand Self, God and Maya through gained wisdom. Hence, Vedas declare that intellect/wisdom or Gyana alone in reality leads to permanent liberation.
Geeta:Chapter 5
Bhagavad Gita 5.3 The karm yogis, who neither desire nor hate
anything, should be considered always renounced. Free from all
dualities, they are easily liberated from the bonds of material
Bhagavad Gita 5.4
Only the ignorant speak of sānkhya (renunciation of actions, or karm sanyās) and karm yog (work in devotion) as different. Those who are
truly learned say that by applying ourselves to any one of these
paths, we can achieve the results of both.
Bhagavad Gita 5.7 The karm yogis, who are of purified intellect, and
who control the mind and senses, see the Soul of all souls in every
living being. Though performing all kinds of actions, they are never
Bhagavad Gita 5.8 – 5.9 Those steadfast in this karm yog, always
think, “I am not the doer,” even while engaged in seeing, hearing,
touching, smelling, moving, sleeping, breathing, speaking, excreting,
and grasping, and opening or closing the eyes. With the light of
divine knowledge, they see that it is only the material senses that
are moving amongst their objects.
Bhagavad Gita 5.18 The truly learned, with the eyes of divine
knowledge, see with equal vision a Brahmin, a cow, an elephant, a dog,
and a dog-eater.
Actually Karma Yoga is not different from Gyana Yoga, only a true Gyani can follow Karma Yoga selflessly. Similarly, a Bhakta alone can eventually realize "I am not the doer" because a Bhakta identifies himself as a servant of the master God and a servant alone has least ego which eventually leads to Gyana. Thats why Krishna gave Geeta, a form of Gyana in the form of words as well as practical revelation in the form of Vishwarup of God that showed Omnipresence, Omnipotence, Omniscience of One God and the importance of true Guru in the path of realization.
After gaining Gyan and experience alone, Arjuna's Bhakti was strengthened and was cleared of his doubts arising from ego and his relatives during the Mahabharata war and therefore fought the war in Nishkama Karma Yoga for Dharma.
Bhagavad Gita 5.22 The pleasures that arise from contact with the
sense objects, though appearing as enjoyable to worldly-minded people,
are verily a source of misery. O son of Kunti, such pleasures have a
beginning and an end, and so the wise do not delight in them.
Bhagavad Gita 5.23 Those persons are yogis, who before giving up the
body are able to check the forces of desire and anger; and they alone
are happy.
Bhagavad Gita 5.24 Those who are happy within themselves, enjoying the
delight of God within, and are illumined by the inner light, such
yogis are united with the Lord and are liberated from material
Bhagavad Gita 5.25 Those holy persons, whose sins have been purged,
whose doubts are annihilated, whose minds are disciplined, and who are
devoted to the welfare of all beings, attain God and are liberated
from material existence.
The manifested universe is Maya but a bound soul cant comprehend the most divine Vedic knowledge of oneness of Brahman/God and Jeeva in one second or even one birth, hence Bhakti and Karma Yoga were explained and highlighted by Krishna during the advent of Kaliyuga, age of darkness where Vedas and Dharma are ignored by masses and true enlightened Gurus are rare.
Bhagavad Gita 3.3 The Blessed Lord said: O sinless one, the two paths
leading to enlightenment were previously explained by me: the path of
knowledge, for those inclined toward contemplation, and the path of
work for those inclined toward action.
Bhagavad Gita 3.4
One cannot achieve freedom from karmic reactions by merely abstaining from work, nor can one attain perfection of knowledge by
mere physical renunciation.
Bhagavad Gita 3.5 There is no one who can remain without action even
for a moment. Indeed, all beings are compelled to act by their
qualities born of material nature (the three guṇas).
Bhagavad Gita 3.6 **Those who restrain the external organs of action,
while continuing to dwell on sense objects in the mind, certainly
delude themselves and are to be called hypocrites.
Bhagavad Gita 3.7 But those karm yogis who control their knowledge
senses with the mind, O Arjun, and engage the working senses in
working without attachment, are certainly superior.
Bhagavad Gita 3.8 You should thus perform your prescribed Vedic
duties, since action is superior to inaction. By ceasing activity,
even your bodily maintenance will not be possible.
Actually, Gyana Yoga is for introvert dominant static masculine natured souls while Karma Yoga is for extrovert dominant dynamic feminine natured souls. Hence, Hinduism has 2 main branches of scriptures Shrutis Vedas highlighting formless God while Smritis Puranas highlighting God with form because creation is made of both Nirguna formless Purusha and Saguna form Prakriti. And every soul and God has both Shiva/masculine/formless and Shakti/feminine/form nature. Hence, Krishna explained the importance of Karma Yoga even for Gyanis, because one who has Gyan of Self will never be bound by Karma. Krishna, Saguna Omniscience Brahman, gave his own example.
Bhagavad Gita 4.6 Although I am unborn, the Lord of all living
entities, and have an imperishable nature, yet I appear in this world
by virtue of Yogmaya, my divine power.
Bhagavad Gita 3.22 There is no duty for me to do in all the three
worlds, O Parth, nor do I have anything to gain or attain. Yet, I am
engaged in prescribed duties.
Bhagavad Gita 3.23 For if I did not carefully perform the prescribed
duties, O Parth, all men would follow my path in all respects.
Bhagavad Gita 3.24 If I ceased to perform prescribed actions, all
these worlds would perish. I would be responsible for the pandemonium
that would prevail, and would thereby destroy the peace of the human
Bhagavad Gita 3.25 As ignorant people perform their duties with
attachment to the results, O scion of Bharat, so should the wise act
without attachment, for the sake of leading people on the right path.
Kathamrita: Ramakrishna Paramhans
Sri Ramakrishna — After one attains knowledge of the Absolute, God
permits a little ego to remain. This ego is the ‘I of the devotee,’ or
the ‘I of knowledge’. It is with this ‘I’ that one enjoys His infinite
play. Rubbing the pestle for a long time, it was reduced to a very
small size. But when it fell into the forest of willows, it brought
the destruction of the entire clan of Yadus[40]. That is why the
vijnani keeps the ‘I of devotion’ or the ‘I of knowledge’, to enjoy
the Bliss of God and to teach mankind.
Paramahamsas can be broadly classified into two types—the gyani
paramahamsa and the premi paramahamsa. The gyani prefers to be a
self-contained man and is content with his own salvation. The premi
commits himself to the spiritual edification of people after he
himself has realized God. Some men, will eat a mango and be content to
wipe their faces clean, while there are some who want to share the
mango with others. Some men, after they have dug a well, will throw
away the spade and basket, but you will also find others who will
carefully store them so that a neighbour too, can use them when
Gospels of Ramakrishna Parmahansa
"When I think of the Supreme Being as inactive — neither creating nor
preserving nor destroying —, I call Him Brahman or Purusha, the
Impersonal God. When I think of Him as active — creating, preserving,
and destroying —, I call Him Sakti or Maya or Prakriti, the Personal
God. But the distinction between them does not mean a difference. The
Personal and the Impersonal are the same thing, like milk and its
whiteness, the diamond and its lustre, the snake and its wriggling
motion. It is impossible to conceive of the one without the other. The
Divine Mother and Brahman are one."
Actually, God is Paramatma(Supersoul) and Jeeva is Aatma(soul). Aatma is a drop emerging from Paramatma Ocean in a frame of Maya/Time and does not exist for eternity, hence Gyani approaches Paramatma through eternal Brahman Gyan(which is permanent truth/Sat) because Satya Paramatma is collection of infinite Aatmas(liberated+bound) and is eternal but a Bhakta Aatma approches same Paramatma though Master(Paramtama)-Servant(Aatma) relation or some other relation like Father/Mother/beloved because thats why family was given to every individual in first place i.e. to learn love for other souls and one Supersoul.