Parashurama is a famous avatara (incarnation) of Vishnu who killed the Kshatriyas (kings) of the world twenty-one times. Since he had defeated all the rulers of the world, he obtained control of the entire Earth. But I'm interested in what happened to the Earth afterward. The immediate aftermath seems clear: to repent for the sin of killing all those people, Parashurama conducted an Ashwamedha Yagna (horse ritual), performed by sage Kashyapa (the ancestor of many gods and demons), and then Parashurama gave the earth to Kashyapa as a gift for performing the yagna. This is well-attested in many scriptures: In the Bala Kanda of the Ramayana, Parashurama says to Rama "I gave all that earth to sage Kashyapa, a sage with divine soul and with pious observances, as a ritualistic-generosity." The Vana Parva of the Mahabharata says "And the exterminator of the [Kshatriyas] possessed of immense strength, bestowed the earth upon the high-souled Kasyapa, and then became engaged in penance of an exceedingly severe form." Finally, the Srimad Bhagavatam describes Parashurama dividing the earth among Kashyapa and the priests working under him.
My question is, what happened to the Earth after Parashurama gave it to Kashyapa? The next major mythological event that occurred was Ravana taking over the three worlds, as described in the Uttara Kanda of the Ramayana. So how did Ravana take over the earth? Did he take it directly from Kashyapa, or were there some intermediate stages between Kashyapa's control of the earth and Ravana's?
If Ravana did take over the world from Kashyapa, then I think it may have been a voluntary transfer (akin to how Ravana got the island of Lanka), because there are legends (I don't know whether they're based in scripture) that Ravana and Parashurama were friends. so it's possible that Parashurama simply told Kashyapa to give the earth to Ravana. But that's just speculation. Are there any other scriptures that detail how custody of the earth went from Kashyapa to Ravana?