This is unprecedented times when we are facing a pandemic and when our lives are in danger. That is, we are going through an emergency situation (Apatkala). And scriptures say that when there is an emergency, Dharma Acharana (performance of religious duties) must take a backseat.
So you need not worry about not being able to perform the Darshana in the most perfect manner. If we consider God to be all-knowing then he can easily see through the mask and understand who you are. So, it is not a problem at all.
See the following verses:
Deshabhange pravAse vA bhyAdhishu vyasaneshvapi |
RanedevasvadehAdi paschAddharmam samAchAret ||
During a civil commotion, or in exile, or when ill, or in misfortune,
the first consideration is to preserve one's life ; practice of religion should at the time be postponed.
Parashara Smriti, Chapter 7, Verse 35
ApatkAle tu nistirno sauchAchAram tu chintayet |
samuddharet pashchAtswastho dharmam samacharet ||
After the misfortune is over, one should think of purification and religious rites. Thereafter purity may be recovered by him. He ought
to practice religion when his troubles are past.
Verse 37