Bhishma is a well-known person from Mahabharata. He is a grand father of both Kauravas and Pandavas. Almost everyone respect him.
Consider the following slokha from Mahabharata and its translation
अयं बरह्मविदां शरेष्ठॊ अयं बरह्मविदां गतिः
इत्य अभाषन्त भूतानि शयानं भरतर्षभम
This one is the foremost of those conversant with the Vedas! This one is the best of those that are conversant with the Vedas!--Even thus did creatures speak of that bull among men as he lay (on his bed of arrows).
[Section 121, Bhagavat-Gita Parva, Bhishma Parva, The Mahabharata ]
Here the word बरह्मविदां has been translated as conversant with the Vedas!, which may be true and are there any other possible interpretations for the same word as liberated or Brahman (Jivan Muktha)?
Along with it, are there any other slokha from Mahabharata or other scriptures say that Bhishma is a Jivan Muktha to support it?