There is a great conversation between Bhusunda and Vasistha in the scripture Yoga Vasistha.
In that conversation, there is a verse about Puranas, which has been told by Bhusunda.
The verse is as follows:
एकार्थानि समग्राणि बहुपाठानि मेऽनघ ।
पुराणानि प्रवर्तन्ते प्रसृतानि युगंप्रति ॥
O sinless saint! The puranas also though they agree in the main substance, are so full of interpolations, that they have been greatly multiplied in successive ages
The bolded portion says that, Puranas generally undergoes interpolation. And due to the interpolations, the size of Puranas increases.
But I didn't understand the actual meaning of Bhusunda's statement.
Is he talking about the negative interpolations, which are due to selfish or malice reasons
interpolations by authentic sages?
Note: Those who are good in Sanskrit as well as the context of conversation can answer properly.