First of all, each Jiva has lived an innumerable number of lives, so even if you lived an unhappy life and got moksha, doesn't mean you've never lived a happy life before. Since each Jiva has lived an infinite amount of lives before, we can presume that it has lived at least one happy human life before:
Bhagavad Gita 2.12 - There never was a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor any of these kings of men.
2.13 - Just as the soul inhabiting a body (you) passes through childhood, youth and old age, so too after death it passes into another body.
Secondly, every human life has suffering. Some humans suffer more than others according to their karma, but that is just one human life. Moreovoer, Earth is a karma-bhumi (a place of works) and not a place of enjoyment. Here, we have to work 8 hours a day, pay taxes, do chores, etc. Enjoyment is limited and hard earned. Swarga, Gandharva loka, etc. on the other hand, are places of actual material enjoyment:
Vedavya's Yoga Bhashya (Vedavyasa's commentary on Patanjali's Yoga Sutras) - The inhabitants of the Mahendra (Maha Indra's loka, aka Swarga) are the six divine beings...all these have an irresistible will and are endued with the eight siddhis [mystic powers] such as being lighter than air [levitation, flying, etc.] and the rest. Their life span extends to a kalpa. They rejoice in sexuality and are endowed with bodies born without sexual intercourse. They have loving Apsaras for their wives.
Thirdly, it doesn't matter, because all these pleasures are temporary and the person falls back to Earth:
Chhandogya Upanishad - And as here on earth, whatever has been acquired by exertion, perishes, so perishes whatever is acquired for the next world by sacrifices and other good actions performed on earth.
But to answer your question, the answer is yes, after moksha, you experience all human joys:
Chhandogya Upanishad - But those who depart from here [those who get moksha], after having discovered the Self and those true desires [who reached Brahman], for them there is freedom in all the worlds.
What is that freedom? It is described next:
'And he who desires the world of song and music, by his mere will song
and music come to him, and having obtained the world of song and
music, he is happy. 'And he who desires the world of women, by his
mere will women come to receive him, and having obtained the world of
women, he is happy.'Whatever object he is attached to, whatever object
he desires, by his mere will it comes to him, and having obtained it,
he is happy.
But this is all trivial, because in the state of moksha, you experience brahmAnanda:
(Taitt. Up. II, 1, 1) - He reaches all objects of desire, together with the all-knowing Brahman.