उत्त्वा॑ मंदंतु॒ स्तोमाः॑ कृणु॒ष्व राधो॑ अद्रिवः । अव॑ ब्रह्म॒द्विषो॑ जहि ॥ प॒दा प॒णीँर॑रा॒धसो॒ नि बा॑धस्व म॒हाँ अ॑सि ।न॒हि त्वा॒ कश्च॒न प्रति॑ ॥
Rig Veda 8.64.1-2: May our hymns please you; O lord of resolute will power, please display your bounty. May you drive off the Panis. May you crush with your foot the niggard churls who offer no homage. You are powerful; there is none so powerful as you are.
Who are panis and why Vedas are asking them to kill? Is it justified.