Commentators told about interpolation in Puranas

Which Purana do commentators takes as authentic ? Do any commentators list interpolation puranas ?


1 Answer 1


Actually Yes, Some Commentators do talk about interpolations in puranas.

Sri Vallabhacharya of the Suddhadvaitva parampara of Vaishnavism, in his Subodhini commentary to the Bhagavata Mahapurana takes three chapters in the 10th skandha to be interpolated.

enter image description here

As per him, the three chapters have been added there by later scholars.

Similarly , Bhatta Laxmanacharya also speaks of interpolations in puranas such as Padma etc. from as early as the 13th Century.

पुराणवचनेषु पद्मपुराणादिकतिपयपुराणेषु कृत्रिमवचनानि बहूनि दृश्यन्ते।

{भट्टलक्ष्मणाचार्यविरचित तिथिफलाध्याय (१३ ई॰) ,२७.४३

  • What are those three chapters in Bhagavatam ? Commented Aug 11 at 5:34
  • @GokulRenjith They cover the story of Brahma vimohana leela iirc
    – user39611
    Commented Aug 11 at 5:44

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