Kindly provide with any scriptural basis for the answer. Thank you.
2I’m voting to close this question because this is not a forum for the accuracy of tv writers– Swami VishwanandaCommented Sep 14, 2021 at 4:50
9What is wrong with asking if is there any scriptural basis that suggest Gods wear tilaka?– ShivaCommented Sep 14, 2021 at 4:53
1Doest answer the question, but just a hint that they also apply the tilak-– SecondCommented Sep 14, 2021 at 9:32
1 Answer
Yes, Śiva applies the Tripuṇḍra (त्रिपुंड्र).
The Śiva Purāṇa's Verse 1.24.11 say so:
Chapter 24 - The greatness of the holy ashes (bhasma), Section 1 - Vidyeśvara-saṃhitā, Śiva Purāṇa
शिवेन विष्णुना चैव तथा तिर्यक्त्रिपुंड्रकम् । उमादेवी च लक्ष्मींश्च वाचान्याभिश्च नित्यशः ॥ ११ ॥
ब्राह्मणैः क्षत्रियैर्वैश्यैः शूद्रै रपि च संस्करैः । अपभ्रंशैर्धृतं भस्मत्रिपुंड्रोद्धूलनात्मना ॥ १२ ॥
- & 12. Śiva, Viṣṇu, Umā, Lakṣmī, goddess of speech and other gods and goddesses, brahmins, kṣatriyas, vaiśyas and persons of mixed castes and hill tribes have observed Tripuṇḍra and dusting (Uddhūlana) always.
English Translation by J.L Shastri
Visnu wears the Ūrdhvapuṇḍra (ऊर्ध्वपुण्ड्र) tilaka.
Padma Purāṇa Verse 6.229.137 says so:
Chapter 229 - Uttara-Khaṇḍa, Padma-purāṇa
तन्मध्ये कर्णिकायां तु समासीनो जनार्दनः । शुद्धजांबूनदप्रख्यो मुक्ताहारविभूषितः ॥ १३३ ॥
- In it, in the pericarp, is seated Viṣṇu. He is like pure gold, and is adorned with a necklace of pearl
षोडशाब्दवयो रूपयौवनेन विराजितः । विशालभालदेशे तु कुंकुमेन सुगंधिना ॥ १३६ ॥ रचितेनोर्ध्वपुंड्रेण सीमंतेनोपशोभितः । मथितामृतफेनाभ शुक्लवस्त्रसुवेष्टितः ॥ १३७ ॥
- & 137. He is graced with rows of white He is adorned with youth proper for the age and form of (a lad of) sixteen years. He is graced with an upright, fragrant mark (Ūrdhvapuṇḍra) made with saffron, and the parting line of hair. He is well covered with a white garment resembling the foam of nectar that was churned (out of the ocean).
English Translation by N.A. Deshpande