The following two excerpts from chapter 27- Diet and Dietetics (Annapana-vidhi) of the Charaka Samhita mentions meat juice
#1: Meat-juice nourishes
By its very nature, water moistens, salt liquefies, alkali digests, honey synthesizes, ghee causes unctuousness, milk gives life flesh causes roborance, meat-juice nourishes, wine causes senile degeneration Sidhu [sīdhu] wine causes emaciation, grape-wine stimulates digestion, treacle causes accumulation or morbid humors, curds cause edema, green Pinyaka [piṇyāka] causes depression.
#2: The qualities of Meat-juice
For all creatures the meat-juice is most nourishing and cord[..??] and for those that are washed[?] convalescing, emaciated, deficient in semen and desirous of enhanced strength and complexion, meat-juice is to be regarded as nectar itself. Meat-juice administered as indicated is curative of most diseases. It should be regarded as promotive of voice, youth, intelligence, sense-faculties and longevity. If those given to constant exercise and indulgence in women and wine take meat-juice daily, they will never fall ill or become weak.
I found some related information about meat juice from
Māṃsarasa (मांसरस):—Soup prepared with meat by adding 8 times of water & reducing it to 1 / 4th and seasoned with 3 pungents, ghee & jaggery
I am not sure whether the method given above has any scriptural basis. Does any scripture related to Ayurveda contain the method of preparing meat juice mentioned in the verses of Charaka Samhita?