Whatever we see around us (manifestation and everything) is nothing but Brahman's play/leela. This is told in a few texts.
Brahmasutra 2.1.33
लोकवत्तु लीला कैवल्यम्। lokavattu līlā kaivalyam। Brahman's creation is mere sport as is seen in the world.
In Tantantre as found in Sarvollāsatantram:
ब्रह्मखेला जगत् सर्वं ब्रह्म-रूपमिदं जगत् । सर्व हि खल्विदं ब्रह्म तदन्यन्नास्ति किन्चन ॥ २८ ॥
This whole world, is a sport of Brahma. This whole world is Brahma. Infact there is nothing else other than Brahma.
This leela or creation/manifestation is cyclical as per Hinduism, which means it has no beginning and has no end. It will go on for all eternity.
Now, the question that comes to my mind is, what's the point in attaining moksha? ... Even if a thousand men attain moksha and go to vaikuntha/kailash or simply become one with impersonal brahman, a million more waves will appear in the infinite ocean.
This means, there will never come a time in the distant future (not even in the golden age, satya yuga), when all jivas in the universe will attain moksha and will put an end to this cyclical creation/manifestation.
If this were to happen, then the shastras never would have said that maya is beginingless. The shastras never would have said that creation-destruction is cyclical/eternal.
Brahman keeps on manifesting and unmanifesting and never wants to stop this play.
If Brahman never wants to stop this cycle of leela, then what's the point in striving so hard for moksha? ... Wouldn't it be better instead to indulge ourselves in sensual pleasures, knowing that there's no ultimate escape from samsara?
Even the liberated ones would have to come back in this world to end the suffering of others and to turn them towards God.
Even though these liberated ones will operate within samsara with a liberated/unattached attitude, they will (out of compassion) absorb other people's bad karmas and diseases into their own holy bodies. Take the case of Ramakrishna. He ended up with cancer because he absorbed other peolple's diseases.
My point is, there will be suffering even for the liberated ones in this samsara, no matter how much they are absorbed in Godhood or say to the world that they are unaffected by suffering. They will be affected, atleast their bodies, if not their true SELF.
As long as this play of creation will go on, there is no ultimate escape. A few will depart from this worldly stage, and countless more will enter the stage.
Even after fully knowing this fact, the liberated ones keep on incarnating in this world, to educate the masses and to end their suffering, knowing perfectly well that the total number of jivas present in this cosmos will never attain moksha at a certain time in the future. If they do, then this game/leela of Brahman will come to an end, which means there wouldn't be any further creation/manifestation. And we know for sure, that's not gonna happen.
What do you have to say about this? :)